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19 Mar 09 - 1 Mar 25
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Department D 4 - Impact and Waves in Solids

Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies of stress wave processes in solids. Mechanical properties of materials and non-destructive testing of structures.

Periodicity Effects in Linear Vibro-Acoustics

Lecture - September 9, 2011 (Friday), 10:45-11:30
Prof. Sergey Sorokin, Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark

Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group for Computational mechanics and the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR wish to invite you to a lecture entitled Periodicity Effects in Linear Vibro-Acoustics by   »»» 

Microtemperature as an internal variable

Lecture - September 9, 2011 (Friday), 10:00-10:45
Dr. Arkadi Berezovski, Centre for Nonlinear Studies, Institute of Cybernetics at Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group for Computational mechanics and the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR wish to invite you to a lecture entitled Microtemperature as an internal variable by   »»» 

Extending the Reach of the Finite Element Method: Polyhedral Elements, Solution Remapping, and Nonconforming Embedment

Lecture - August 17, 2011, 10:00
Mark M. Rashid, University of California, Davis, USA
Mark M. Rashid is a professor at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of University of California, Davis, California, USA. His research interest include fracture mechanics, computational mechanics, fluid-structure interaction, blast loading, material modeling, plasticity, MEMS.

The presentation is a part of the Presentation Series on Computational Solid Mechanics held on August 3-17, 2011 in the Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR v. v. i.  »»» 

Presentation series on Computational Solid Mechanics


Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group on Computer Mechanics and Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR v.v.i. will organize the following presentation series on occassion of the visit of Prof. M. Rashid, University of California, Davis, USA in the Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, v.v.i. The presentations will be held in Lecture Room B of the Institute of Thermomechanics, Dolejškova 5, Praha 8 (directions); they will start at 10am on each day.  »»» 

EUROMECH Colloquium 540 - Advanced Modelling of Wave Propagation in Solids

Conference - Prague, October 1-3, 2012

The EUROMECH Colloquium 540 aims to bring together engineers and scientists with interest in modelling of wave propagation in solids. The Colloquium will concentrate on topics related to effects of linear and non-linear waves in solids, to solitary waves, to strongly dispersive wave propagation in inhomogeneous solids and to waves in materials with microstructures, etc.  »»» 

Solution of contact problem of railway brake discs including low cycle fatigue analysis

Lecture - June 28, 2011 (Tuesday), 10.00
Assoc. prof. dr. Matjaž Šraml, University of Maribor, Slovenia

The Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group for Computational mechanics and the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR wish to invite you to a lecture by  »»» 

XVI. International Conference on Nonlinear Elasticity of Materials

Conference - Prague, June 5–11, 2011, Conference Center in Husova 236/6, Prague

Dynamic nonlinear elastic behaviour, non equilibrium dynamics, first observed as a curiosity In earth materials has now been observed in a great variety of solids. The primary manifestations of the behaviour are characteristic wave distortion, and slow dynamics, a recovery process to equilibrium that takes place linearly with the logarithm of time, over hours to days after a wave disturbance.  »»» 

The 16th International Conference on Nonlinear Elasticity in Materials

Conference - Prague, June 5–11, 2011

Dynamic nonlinear elastic behavior, nonequilibrium dynamics, first observed as a curiosity in earth materials has now been observed in a great variety of solids. The primary manifestations of the behavior are characteristic wave distortion, and slow dynamics, a recovery process to equilibrium that takes place linearly with the logarithm of time, over hours to days after a wave disturbance.  »»» 

Optimization of coded excitations with Symmetry Analysis: Formalism and applications in NDT...

Lecture - June 3, 2011 (Friday), 10.00
Serge DOS SANTOS, Assoc. Prof. at l’ENI Val de Loire U930 « Imaging and Brain» , Université François Rabelais-INSERM-CNRS

Full title: Optimization of coded excitations with Symmetry Analysis : Formalism and applications in NDT with perspectives in ultrasonic nonlinear imaging of bio-materials  »»» 

Unified Micro-Macro-Models and Finite Element Computations of Mono- and Polycrystalline Cyclic Martensitic Phase Transformations

Lecture - May 27, 2010 (Thursday), 14:00–15:00
Erwin Stein and Gautam Sagar, Institute of Mechanics and Computational Mechanics, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany

We kindly invite you to the following two lectures:  »»» 

Research Activities at the LNEC Structures Department

Lecture - May 27, 2010 (Thursday), 15:00-16:00
Rogerio Bairrao, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics Division (NESDE), Lisboa, Portugal

We kindly invite you to the following two lectures:  »»» 

Anisotropic higher-order bounds and estimates based on crystallographic and morphological information

Lecture - October 14, 2009 (Wednesday), 10.00
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Böhlke

The Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group for Computational mechanics and the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR wish to invite you to a lecture by  »»» 

Partition-Of-Unity Finite Elements For Quantum Mechanical Calculations in Condensed Matter

Lecture - September 24, 2009 (Thursday), 1:30pm
Dr. John E. Pask, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94551, USA

The Institute of Physics AS CR - Dept. of Theory of Condensed Matter, the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR and the Czech Society for Mechanics – the expert group for Computational mechanics, jointly invite you to a lecture  »»» 

New e-book on Numerical Methods in Computation Mechanics


The group of authors from the Institute of Thermomechanics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, the Institute of Mathematics of the Charles University and the Department of Technical Mathematics Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University has released an electronic book  »»» 

International Conference on Complexity of Nonlinear Waves


The Centre for Nonlinear Studies of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Tallinn University of Technology in Estonia, the partner of our institute, will be hosting  »»» 

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