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19 May 09 - 7 Dec 13
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doc. Ing. Zdeněk Bayer, CSc.

Phone +420 266 053 033 E-mail bayer@it.cas.cz Room M7202 Department Department D 2 - Thermodynamics Position Scientific consultant of the Department of Thermodynamics Research area Analysis and computations of thermodynamic processes and of complex thermal cycles, experimental research of the energy conversion in wet steam, formulation and approximation of state behavior of fluids
Curriculum vitae
2001 Doc. (equivalent of assoc. prof.) - in Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics - Technical University of Liberec
1963 CSc. (equivalent of Ph.D.) in Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics - Institute of Thermomechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
1959 Researcher / Senior Researcher / Consultant at the Institute of Thermomechanics, Department of Thermodynamics
1953 Lecturer at University of Railway in Prague

View author's publications in the ASCR database
Selected publications
  1. Bayer Z.: The development of a new system of simple approximations of state variables and derivatives along H2O saturation line: some compound functions. XVI. Intrnational Sci.Conf: Aplikácia experimentálnych a numerických metód v mechanike tekutín, 103-108, Žilina -Těrchová, Slovensko, 23.-25.4.2006, Žilinská Univerzita, Žilina, ISBN 978-80-8070-2
  2. Bayer Z.: An alternative thermodynamic analysis of ideal thermal cycles of piston combustion engines. The formulation and derivation of fundamental combined optimes and the real effect of the Poissons constant. Conf. with International Participation „Engineering Mechanics 2007“, Svratka, Czech Republic, s. 11,12
  3. Bayer Z.: The development of the new type of simple, middle accurate approximations of caloric functions of state of wet steam. National conf. with International Participation "Engineering Mechanics 2006", Svratka, Czech Republic, paper no. 216
  4. Bayer, Z.: The first variants of a new system of simple, middle accurate approximations of some state variables and derivatives of vet vapor of H2O. National conf. with International Participation Engineering Mechanics 2005, Svratka, Czech Republic, May 9-12, 45-6, IMS FME BUT Brno, AEM, IT ASCR Prague, ITAM ASCR, ŽĎAS a.s. Žďár nad Sázavou, ISBN 80-85918-93-5
  5. Bayer Z.: Description of state behavior along the critical isotherm and along the saturation curve using simple equations of state. Part III. (in Czech) National conf. with International Participation "Engineering Mechanics 2004", Svratka, 10-13
  6. Bayer, Z.: Comparison of analytical models of nonizothermic processes in the ideal gas. 21. Intrnational Sci.Conf. of Catedras of Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics, Nitra, Slovak Republic, Ráčková dolina - Západné Tatry, 5-7 jún 2002, 18-23, Slovak University in Nitra, ISBN 80-8069-037-5
Between 1985-2004 more than 30 semesters lectured at Technical Universities in Prague and in Pardubice, and at the University in Ústí n/L, mainly on "Thermodynamics and Fluid Dynamics".

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