Seznam publikací

Isolation of the Brassica napus L. cDNA encoding a putative high-mobility-group HMG I/Y protein
Localization of high affinity binding site for D - myo inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate from Chenopodium rubrum
Nuclear gamma-tubulin during acentriolar plant mitosis
Temporal changes in the RNA distribution between polysomes and postpolysomal ribonucleoprotein particles in tobacco male gametophyte
The pollen-specific gene ntp303 encodes a 69-kDa glycoprotein associated with the vegetative membrane and the cell wall
The translationally repressed pollen-specific ntp303 mRNA is stored in non-polysomal mRNPs during pollen maturation
A MAP kinase is activated late in mitosis and becomes localized to the plane of cell division
Effect of inhibition of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity on growth of alfalfa cell suspension culture: Alteration in mitotic index, ethylene production, and content of phenolics, cytokinins and polyamines
Light and electron microscopic studies of somatic embryogenesis of spruce.
MAP kinases in plant signal transduction. Series: Results and Problems in Cell Differentiation,Vol. 27
Mitogen – activated protein kinases in plant signal transduction: are they mitogenic? Advances in Regulaton of Plant Growth and Development.
Reiniciation of cell division and polyamine and aromatic monoamine levels in alfalfa explants during the induction of somatic embryogenesis.
Reorganization of microtubular cytoskeleton in Lactuca spp. cells during early stages of infection by lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae).
Single cell gel electrophoresis: Detection of DNA damage at different levels of sensitivity
Somatic embryogenesis in conifers: a model system for studies of embryo development and cell biology
Vicia faba germination: Synchronized cell growth and localization of nucleolin and alpha-tubulin.
A cell cycle regulated MAP kinase with a possible role in cytokinesis in tobacco cells.
Association of gamma-tubulin with kinetochores in Vicia faba meristem cells.
Culture on sugar medium enhances photosynthetic capacity and high light resistance of plantlets grown in vitro
Photosynthesis and photoinhibition in tobacco plantlets grown in vitro: an ontogenetic approach.
Regulation of Plant cyclin-dependent kinases and cell cycle machinery by plant hormone analogues.
Treatment of Vicia faba root tip cells with specific inhibitors to cyclin-dependent kinase leads to abnormal spindle formation.
A short severe heat shock is required to induce embryogenesis in late bicellular pollen of Brassica napus L.
Probing microtubules with monoclonal antibodies.
Small GTPases in the morphogenesis of yeast and plant cells
Somatic embryogenesis in conifers: a model system for studies of embryo development and cell biology.
The cdc2 Ms kinase is differently regulated in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus.
Actin distribution in somatic embryogenesis and embryogenic protoplasts of white spruce (Picea glauca).
Changes in the levels of endogenous phenolics, aromatic monoamines, phenylalanin ammonia-lyase, peroxidase and auxin oxidase activities during initiation of alfalfa embryogenic and nonembryogenic calli.
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