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Astronomical Institute

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Jaroslav Klokočník


Research fields: Satellite dynamics, orbit determination, orbital resonances and gravitational field parameters derived from study of resonant phenomena, gravitational field of the Earth, test of accuracy of the gravitational field models (latitude lumped coefficients and crossover altimetry), navigation for applied meteorological satellites (study leave at Max Planck Institute for Meteorology in Hamburg 1990, 1991, 1993), satellite (crossover) altimetry (stays in National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD, USA and NASA GSFC Greenbelt, 1992, 1994, etc). Tests of gravitational field models by satellite crossover altimetry data (stays in DGFI Munich 1989, 1990, GFZ Potsdam and Oberpfaffenhofen 2000, 2002). CHAMP, GRACE and GOCE for gravitational field parameters. 1971 graduated in Space Geodesy from the Czech Technical University, Prague. 1979 PhD in Astronomy. 1996 DSc in Astronomy. 2000 Associate Professor, senior lecturer of Space Geodesy, CTU Prague. Researcher at the Astronomical Institute. Member of IAG, EGU, AGU, IAU, and COSPAR. About 140 research papers, at least 160 references in foreign periodicals. Invited lectures at NASA GSFC, NOAA Silver Spring, CSR TU Austin, TU Dresden, etc. PI of several grants of GA CR, GA AV CR, namely ESA PECS C 98056 (GOCE, since 2007). P Archaeoastronomy of Mesoamerica and South America: field measurements in Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru (1997, 2001, 2003, 2005). Popularization of astronomy and geosciences in TV, movies, radio, in various journals and newspapers..

Link to personal webpage.