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About the Institute


The Institute is a centre of fundamental research in physical chemistry, electrochemistry and chemical physics. The research work is characterized by many cross-links both within the Institute and also with other institutions in Europe, the U.S.A., Japan and other parts of the world. Much of the scientific work is concerned with fundamental research, but several groups, in particular in catalysis and electrochemistry, are also making contributions in more applied aspects. Besides the research activities the Institute is strongly involved in training of both undergraduate and graduate students, supervising their diploma and Ph.D. theses, and in teaching at universities.

In the Institute work at present about 155 full-time employees and approximately 45 graduate students. Roughly 70 per cent of the personnel are engaged in research, the remaining staff provides technical and administrative services.

Members of the Institute publish each year approximately 200 research papers, for the most part in impacted international journals, several books or chapters in monographs, and a number of communications in proceedings of scientific meetings.

Presentation of the JHI (short key-signature; in Czech) - download.



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AWARDS - ISE FELLOW for Zdeněk Samec and BEST Poster Prizes for two our students   Praha, 23.8.2012 - Profesor Zdeněk Samec přijal na 63. výroční konferenci Mezinárodní elektrochemické společnosti (IS
OUR RESULT in MEDIA - Cloud seeds and ozone holes (reportage in Czech television, 22.8.2012)   Zárodky mraků a ozonová díra Výsledky týmu chemických fyziků z Ústavu fyzikální chemie J. Heyrovského přispív
IMPORTANT PUBLICATIONS RELEASED IN   AUGUST 2012 - J. of Chemical Physics 137, 2012, 034304
NEW PhD position in project of Marie-Curie ITN   Early Stage Researcher in Spectroscopy and Spectroelectrochemistry of Carbon Nanostructures (FP7 RADDEL ITN).
Fluorescence localization microscopy – the transition from concept to biological research tool
15.11. 2012 at 14:00 in Rudolf Brdička lecture hall, JHI
Scientific Meetings  
3rd Prague Zeolite Day
25 September 2012
44th Symposium on Catalysis
5 - 6 November 2012
School of Molecular Sieves 2013 - Characterization
10-12 March, 2013
Seminar of Students 2013
22 - 26 April, 2013

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