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Date: Friday, May 11, 2012 - 15:00

Ola Vestad JOB TALK

Ola Vestad

Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research, Oslo, Norway

Who Pays for Occupational Pensions?

Author: Ola Lotherington Vestad

Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to estimate wage effects of occupational pensions, exploiting the introduction of mandatory occupational pensions in Norway as a source of exogenous variation in pension coverage. Various difference-in-differences models are estimated on a large sample of Norwegian private sector firms. The results indicate that on average, less than half the costs of a minimum requirement occupational pension was shifted from firms to workers in terms of lower wages, and that there are important heterogeneities with respect to the influence of local unions and central negotiations on the wage setting in different industries.

JEL codes: H22, J32, J38, J50.

Keywords: pension reform, mandatory occupational pensions, labour unions and centralised negotiations, matched employer-employee register data.

Full Text: Who Pays for Occupational Pensions?