Geologický ústav AV ČR, v. v. i.
Badatelské centrum střední velikosti, jehož hlavním cílem je získávat, interpretovat a integrovat znalost zemského systému.
Laboratory of Geological Processes
The Laboratory of Geological Processes conducts a complex research in the field of processes, past and present, acting within the lithosphere – the Earth crust and the upper part of the Earth mantle. The analysis of material, physical and biological record preserved in the available rocks permits us to describe the dynamics of large lithospheric blocks in the past, to reconstruct temperature and pressure histories of large rock complexes including the evolution of sedimentary basins from the Early Paleozoic to the present. Good knowledge of these processes in the geological history of Central Europe together with extensive research activities at a global scale enable us to present results of general validity and universal use in the realm of Earth sciences.