
Fundamentals and Applications of Active Flow Control

Lecture - April 8, 2009 (Wednesday), 14:00
Prof. Avraham Seifert, University Tel Aviv

Prof. Seifert will present two recent research projects conducted in Tel Aviv using active flow control. The first project describes taking airfoil separation control concept to flight while the second describes the application of the newly developed suction and oscillatory blowing actuator for aerodynamic drag reduction of large trucks.  »»» 

Boundary layer experiments in a water channel

Lecture - March 31, Tuesday,14:00-16:00
dr. ir. Hendrik de Lange, Eindhoven University of Technology

Main topics of the research of Dr. de Lange are the boundary layer transition, heat transfer and cooling in gas turbines and the thermodynamics and transient behavior of turbine/compressor systems.The flat plate boundary layer experiments in a water channel have been performed.  »»» 

Flow Control Using Fluidic Actuation

Lecture - 21 October 2008 (Tuesday), 10:00
Prof. Ari Glezer, Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA

As you surely know, prof. Ari Glezer is the originator of the term „synthetic jet“ and the founder of this particular branch of fluid mechanics.  »»» 

Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics of Boundary Conditions

Lecture - October 8, 2008 (Wednesday), 11:00
Prof. Dr. Hans Christian Öttinger, ETH Zurich, Institute of Polymers, Switzerland

Abstract: While the field equations for complex fluids are usually formulated such that they respect the principles of nonequilibrium thermodynamics, the choice of  »»» 

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