Seznam publikací

Beta-1,2,3-triazolyl-nucleosides as nicotinamide riboside mimics
Characteristics and transferability of new apple EST-derived SSRs to other Rosaceae species
Characterization of low-molecular weight collagen hydrolysates prepared by combination of enzymatic and acid hydrolysis
Chromosome genomics in the Triticeae
Content of carotenoids during ageing and senescence of tobacco leaves
Cytokinin regulates root meristem activity via modulation of the polar auxin transport
Cytokinin, auxin and abscisic acid dynamics during flower development in white and red currants infected with Blackcurrant reversion virus
Cytokinins modulate auxin-induced organogenesis in plants via regulation of the auxin efflux
Cytoskeleton-associated large RNP complexes in tobacco male gametopyte (EPPs) are associated with ribosomes and are involved in protein synthesis, processing and localisation.
Development and mapping of DArT markers within the Festuca - Lolium complex
DNA ligase 1 deficient plants display severe growth defects and delayed repair of both DNA single and double strand breaks
Effect of abscisic acid on photosynthetic parameters during ex vitro transfer of micropropagated tobacco plantlets
Effect of Potato virus Y on the NADP-malic enzyme from Nicotiana tabacum L.: mRNA, expressed protein and activity
Employing Higher Plants in the Comet Assay
Enhancement of flowering and branching phenotype in chrysanthemum by expression of ipt under the control of a 0.821 kb fragment of the LEACO1 gene promoter.
Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Seed Extracts from Six Nigella Species
Exocytosis and cell polarity in plants - exocyst and recycling domains.
Flora of toxic depots in selected industrial zones
From green to clean: a promising and sustainable approach towards environmental remediation and human health for the 21st century
Gene content and virtual gene order of barley chromosome 1H
Generating resources for genomics of wheat homoeologous chromosome group 3: 3AS- and 3DS-specific BAC libraries
Genome organization and comparative genomics
Geotrichum candidum 4013: Extracellular lipase versus cell-bound lipase from the single strain.
Horseweed with reduced susceptibility to glyphosate found in the Czech republic
Hydroxylated anthraquinones produced by Geosmithia species
In vitro anti-inflammatory activity of carvacrol: Inhibitory effect on COX-2 catalyzed prostaglandin E-2 biosynthesis
Indian Agricultural Research Institute – prostředník na cestě k zajištění potravinové a surovinové základny země
Male gametogenesis
Method of removing uranium and decay products thereof from water and water treatment plant employing such method
Micro-extraction of hydrolyzed free and conjugated sterols for their determination using HPLC.