Přednáška Prof. Nancy C. Jurik a Prof. Gray Cavender: Dilemmas in the Regulation of Research Ethics: U.S.A. University Institutional Review Boards

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v pondělí 15. října 2012 od 14 hodin v zasedací místnosti č. dv. 207, 2. patro

Oddělení Gender & sociologie Sociologického ústavu Akademie věd ČR, v.v.i.


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Prof. Nancy C.Jurik a Prof. Gray Cavender

Dilemmas in the Regulation of Research Ethics: U.S.A. University Institutional Review Boards


v pondělí 15.října 2012 od 14 hodin, v zasedací místnosti SOÚ AV ČR, v.v.i., Jilská 1, Praha 1, 2. patro, místnost č. 207



Abstract: Because of serious ethical lapses in research practices, mainly involving biomedical research, the U.S. government requires that universities create Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).  These IRBs review and must approve all research that is proposed by university personnel.  However, the model for these review boards was based primarily on biomedical research and, to some extent on psychological research. In our presentation, we will discuss the situation that gave rise to the IRBs, the debates that accompanied their creation, and the continuing problem of “fit”  for social science research generally, and for qualitative research in particular.  We will conclude with some suggestions for the IRB review of more qualitative research.



Nancy Jurik is a Professor of Justice & Social Inquiry at Arizona State University.  She teaches courses on "Women and Work" and "Economic Justice."  Her publications focus on gender, work organizations, innovation, and entrepreneurship.  She has published books, including Doing Justice, Doing Gender: Women in Legal and Criminal Justice Occupations (Sage, 2007), and Bootstrap Dreams: U.S. Microenterprise Development in an Era of Welfare Reform (Cornell University Press, 2005), as well as articles on gender, work, and work organization issues.


Gray Cavender is a Professor of Justice & Social Inquiry at Arizona State University.  He teaches courses on Media, Law & Society, and Punishment.  His primary research interest is in the media, and includes topics ranging from reality television to how the media depict crime.  His most recent book is Corporate Crime Under Attack: The Fight to Criminalize Business Violence (LexisNexis, 2006).


Profs. Cavender and Jurik have co-authored a new book on the British Television series Prime Suspect.  The book is titled Justice Provocateur: Jane Tennison and Policing in Prime Suspect (2012, University of Illinois Press).


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