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Institute of Archaeology of the ASCR, Prague, v. v. i.


Institute of Archaeology of the ASCR, Prague, v. v. i.
Letenská 4
118 01 Praha 1
Phone: +420 257 014 300
FAX: +420 257 532 288

The Institute was founded in 1919 as the State Institute of Archaeology under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Schools and National Education of the Czechoslovak Republic. It was incorporated into the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in 1953. In 1993, the Sections in Most, Plzeň and Dolní Břežany were transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic as archeological heritage centres. Pursuant to Act No. 341/2005 Coll., the Institute became a public research institution on January 1st, 2007.

The Institute deals with the primary archeological research covering the time span from prehistory to the Early Modern Period. It is also involved in the preservation and documentation of the endangered archeological sites in Bohemia and the coordination of archeological field research within this territory. It operates a specialised library, archives of archeological field reports, photoarchives and geodetical archives, and a database of archeological sites and finds in Bohemia. It publishes both the main Czech archeological journals as well as conference proceedings and other books.


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