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Projekt: Participation in Chibis project, namely the reception of the telemetry from the satellite Chibis-M at Panska Ves receiving and telemetry station and related modernization of the equipment.
The main purpose of the proposed project is the modernization of instruments and software to make it possible to receive the satellite Chibis-M at Panska Ves station. The satellite Chibis-M is intended to investigate the electromagnetic phenomena in the upper atmosphere and ionosphere with special focus on Transient Luminous Events (TLEs) like sprite and terrestrial gamma ray flashes. The access to the measured data is important both for the scientific cooperation and research, and for the development of High frequency analyzer (currently under development at Institute of Atmospheric Physics) for the French TARANIS satellite to be launched in 2015.
Founded by: MŠMT LH12230
Duration: 2012-2013
Investigator: Vojta, J.
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