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Dalia Burešová
Function: | Depute director |
Pracovní zařazení: | vědecký pracovník | Email: |
Phone: | +420 272 016 044 |
Room: | 114 |
Selected publications:
- Laštovička, Jan ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia ; Kouba, Daniel, 2012: High historical values of foEs — Reality or artefact?, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 74, -, pp. 51-54
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Athieno, R. ; Baše, Jiří ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hruška, František ; Laštovička, Jan ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Šindelářová, Tereza, 2012: Statistical investigation of horizontal propagation of gravity waves in the ionosphere over Europe and South Africa, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, - , pp. A03312/1-A03312/13
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Athieno, R., 2012: Observations of wave activity in the ionosphere over South Africa in geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods, Advances in Space Research, 50, 2, pp. 182-195
- Scidá, L. A. ; Ezquer, R. G. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; Mosert, M. ; Brunini, C. ; Burešová, Dalia, 2012: On the IRI 2007 performance as a TEC predictor for the South American sector, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 81-82, - , pp. 50-58
- Ezquer, R. G. ; Cabrera, M. A. ; López, J. L. ; Albornoz, M. R. ; Mosert, M. ; Marcó, P. ; Burešová, Dalia, 2011: Critical frequency and maximum electron density of F2 region over four stations in the North American sector, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 73, 4, pp. 420-429
- Burešová, Dalia ; McKinnell, L.- A. ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; de la Morena, B. A., 2010: Evaluation of the STORM model storm-time corrections for middle latitude, Advances in Space Research, 46, č. 8, pp. 1039-1046
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Laštovička, Jan ; Hruška, František ; Burešová, Dalia ; Baše, Jiří, 2010: Horizontal velocities and propagation directions of gravity waves in the ionosphere over the Czech Republic, Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, pp. A11322/1-A11322/13
- Franceschi de, G. ; Alfonsi, L. ; Altadill, D. ; Bencze, P. ; Bourdillon, A. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Cander, Lj. R. ; Morena de la, B. A. ; Economou, L. ; Herraiz, M. ; Kauristie, K. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Pau, S. ; Rodriguez, G. ; Stamper, R. ; Stanislawska, I., 2009: The contribution to IHY from the COST296 Action MIERS: Mitigation of Ionospheric Effects on Radio Systems, Earth, Moon, and Planets, 104, 1-4, pp. 63-67
- Bremer, J. ; Laštovička, Jan ; Mikhailov, A. V. ; Altadill, D. ; Bencze, P. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Franceschi de, G. ; Jacobi, C. ; Kouris, S. S. ; Perrone, L. ; Turunen, E. , 2009: Climate of the upper atmosphere, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 3/4, pp. 273-299
- Burešová, Dalia ; Nava, B. ; Galkin, I. ; Angling, M. ; Stankov, S. M. ; Coisson, P., 2009: Data ingestion and assimilation in ionospheric models, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 6/4, pp. 235-253
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František ; Burešová, Dalia ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Hejda, Pavel ; Bochníček, Josef, 2009: Ionospheric oscillations caused by geomagnetic Pi2 pulsations and their observations by multipoint continuous Doppler sounding; first results, Advances in Space Research, 44, 6, pp. 667-676
- Santolík, O. ; Parrot, M. ; Inan, U. S. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Gurnett, D. A. ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: Propagation of unducted whistlers from their source lightning: a case study, Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, pp. A03212/1-A03212/11
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František, 2009: Doppler observations of infrasonic waves of meteorological origin at ionospheric heights, Advances in Space Research, 43, 11
- Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Chum, Jaroslav, 2009: Observations of acoustic-gravity waves in the ionosphere generated by severe tropospheric weather, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 53, 3, pp. 403-418
- Altadill, D. ; Arrazola, D. ; Blanch, E. ; Burešová, Dalia, 2008: Solar activity variations of ionosonde measurements and modeling results, Advances in Space Research, 42, 4, pp. 610-616
- Burešová, Dalia ; Laštovička, Jan, 2008: Pre-storm electron density enhancements at middle latitudes, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 15, pp. 1848-1855
- Chum, Jaroslav ; Laštovička, Jan ; Šindelářová, Tereza ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hruška, František, 2008: Peculiar transient phenomena observed by HF Doppler sounding on infrasound time scales, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, pp. 866-878
- Jakowski, N. ; Stankov, S. M. ; Wilken, V. ; Borries, C. ; Altadill, D. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Burešová, Dalia ; Boška, Josef ; Šauli, Petra ; Hruška, František ; Cander, Lj. R., 2008: Ionospheric behaviour over Europe during the solar eclipse of 3 October 2005, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, pp. 836-853
- Blanch, E. ; Arrazola, D. ; Altadill, D. ; Burešová, Dalia ; Mosert, M., 2007: Improvement of IRI B0, B1 and D1 at mid-latitude using MARP, Advances in Space Research, 39, 5, pp. 701-710
- Burešová, Dalia ; Krasnov, Valerij Michailovič ; Drobzheva, Yana Viktorovna ; Laštovička, Jan ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Hruška, František, 2007: Assessing the quality of ionogram interpretation using the HF Doppler technique, Annales Geophysicae, 25, 4
- Burešová, Dalia ; Laštovička, Jan, 2007: Pre-storm enhancements of foF2 above Europe, Advances in Space Research, 39, 8, pp. 1298-1303
- Burešová, Dalia ; Cander, Lj. R. ; Vernon, A. ; Zolesi, B., 2006: Effectiveness of the IRI-2001-predicted N(h) profile updating with real-time measurements under intense geomagnetic storm conditions over Europe, Advances in Space Research, 37, 5, pp. s. 1061-1068
- Blanch, E. ; Altadill, D. ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hernández-Pajares, M., 2005: November 2003 event: effects on the Earth"s ionosphere observed from ground-based ionosonde and GPS data, Annales Geophysica, 23, -, pp. 3027-3034
- Burešová, Dalia, 2005: Effects of geomagnetic storms on the bottomside ionospheric F region, Advances in Space Research, 35, -, pp. 429-439
- GAČR P209/12/2440, Dynamické vazby troposféra-ionosféra a jejich vliv na ionosférickou variabilitu, 2012-2016. Investigator: Burešová, D.
- MŠMT 7AMB12AR018, Dynamické vazby magnetosféra-ionosféra-troposféra a jejich vliv na proměnlivost ionosféry, 2012-2013. Investigator: Burešová, D.
- GA ČR. Kód GAP209/11/1908, Ionosférická odezva na poruchy magnetického původu: fáze návratu do normálu, 2011-2014. Investigator: Burešová, D.
- Galileo Supervising Aurhority (GSA)/ 7. rámcovy program EU. MŠMT. Kód 7E10032, Podpora vědeckému výzkumu na bázi přijímačů GALILEO E5, 2010–2012. Investigator: Laštovička, J., tým: Boška J., Kouba D., Burešová D., Mošna Z.