Colloquium FLUID DYNAMICS 2012

October 24 – 26, 2012, Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, Prague
Conference website: FLUID DYNAMICS 2012

The purpose of the Colloquium is to bring together experts on theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics from academic institutions, universities and other research and development establishments and to offer them the opportunity to exchange and update information on their problems. The Colloqium serves as a scientific forum and will be held in the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR.

The contributions should focus on experimental, numerical and theoretical studies of laminar, transitional and turbulent shear flows in external and internal aero-hydrodynamics, environmental aerodynamics, biomechanics and other natural and industrial applications. Reports on new experimental and numerical methods and equipment for fluid mechanics research are welcome. The official language of the Colloquium is English.

The lectures and posters will be scheduled on the first two days of the Colloquium. The third day will be dedicated to discussions and guided excursions to the laboratories of the Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR.

Registration and abstract submission
The filled Registration Form (incl. a short abstract of the paper) should be sent to the Colloquium Secretary by September 21, 2012. Each participant can submit up to 1 abstract. The abstracts will be selected for oral or poster presentation depending on their scope. The authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by October 1, 2012 by e-mail. The registration fee is 3.100 CZK including VAT (or 3.300 CZK if paid at the registration desk) and must be paid by bank transfer and received by the Colloqium Secretariat no later than October 1, 2012 . The fee covers the printed Book of Extended Abstracts, the CD with full papers and small refreshments served during the Colloquium.

Presentation format
Oral presentations will be allocated 20 minutes incl. short discussion. Posters will be displayed during all three days. Time for poster discussion will be allocated before the afternoon sessions. Submission of camera-ready contributions (electronic version only) to be published in Book of Extended Abstracts should comply with the following requirements:

  • The manuscript must be based on the template (available here) and should be submitted in PDF or DOC format.
  • The extended abstract and the full paper must be submitted to the Colloquim Secretary before October 5, 2012.
  • The extended abstract will be printed in the Book of Extended Abstracts and must have exactly 2 pages,
  • The full paper will be included on the Colloquim CD and the file size is limited to 10 MB.

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