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Projekt: Development of the regional climate model for a very high resolution
The proposed research project involves development of a high resolution regional climate model able to work in the so called "grey zone" physics (horizontal resolution of 4 - 7 km). This very high spatial resolution is not yet used in practice of regional climate modeling due to the complications with development of physical parameterizations, internal formulation of the model and also due to the high costs incurred by increased resolution. Moreover, the developed model will retain its ability to be operated in resolutions in between 20 and 50 km, which are typical for contemporary generation of regional climate models. Model ALARO-Climate/CZ will be developed from numerical weather prediction model ALARO. CHMI will contribute its technical resources (central supercomputer, central storage server), its experience with operation of NWP and climate version of ALADIN LAM model. An integral part of the project will be a detailed validation, which will feedback on the model development. During the course of the project, we expect three cycles of the development, running, and validation of the model.
Founded by: GA ČR. Kód GAP209/11/2405
Duration: 2011-2014
Investigator: Huth, R.
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