Ing. Jiří Křišťál, Ph.D.
Deputy Head of Department, Scientist Phone:
+420 220 390 237 E-mail:
Rozvojová 135/1, 165 02 Praha-Lysolaje, Česká republika Room number:
167 Workgroup:
Department of Separation Processes
Current Projects
F3 Factory is an European research program developing more flexible, faster and future production methods for chemical industry. It is one of the leading projects in the Nanotechnologies, Materials and Production research priority of the European Community’s Seventh Framework programme. Our team focuses on methods for the surfactant manufacturing utilizing the microstructured devices and process intensification strategies.
Since 2010, I've been supervising the design and installation of a new laboratory setup based on Ehrfeld Modular Micro Reaction System. The equipment was funded by an internal grant of Czech Academy of Sciences and currently we use the installation for further research of microreaction applications in different fields of chemistry (gas-liquid reactions, photochemistry, catalytic reactions, enzymatic reactions,...). MicroPROCESSING of Fluids
Since 2005, I've been involved in the research of hydrodynamic behaviour of microreaction systems. My PhD thesis was focused on hydrodynamic study of gas-liquid flow in a thin-gap microchannel. Namely, I studied the bubbly flow behaviour inside the rectangular channel with high aspect ratio, with flow visualisation and image processing being used as the main techniques for description and analysis of the system.
In cooperation with INP-ENSIASET-CNRS (Toulouse), we have a bilateral research project on two-phase hydrodynamics in microchannels. Within this project the behaviour of single bubbles, bubble chains and (Taylor flow) and 2D micro bubble columns is characterized with microPIV and flow visualisation.
Between 2005 and 2009, our team participated in the EU project IMPULSE. IMPULSE stands for Integrated Process Units with Locally Structured Elements; basically, it was a project dealing with the research of microdevices and their application into industrial production processes. Our group was concerned mainly with investigation of hydrodynamical behaviour of a thin-gap electrochemical microreactor. My PhD thesis was completed withing the IMPULSE project and was focused on application of microreactors for electro-organic synthesis. |
PhD Project
Research Interests
Leisure Interests
List of papers published during last 4 years (journals and books only):