Seznam publikací

Inversions of chromosome arms 4AL and 2BS in wheat invert the patterns of chiasma distribution
Involvement of cis-zeatin, dihydrozeatin, and aromatic cytokinins in germination and seedling establishment of maize, oats, and lucerne
Jan Evangelista Purkyně/Purkinje (1787–1869) and the establishment of cellular physiology—Wrocław/Breslau as a central European cradle for a new science
Láska, sex a něžnosti v říši živočichů a rostlin
Loss of membrane fluidity and endocytosis inhibition are involved in rapid aluminum-induced root growth cessation in Arabidopsis thaliana
Lysine63-linked ubiquitylation of PIN2 auxin carrier protein governs hormonally controlled adaptation of Arabidopsis root growth
Molecular structure of phospholipase D and regulatory mechanisms of its activity in plant and animal cells
Mosaic origins of a complex chimeric mitochondrial gene in Silene vulgaris
Multiple exocytotic markers accumulate at the sites of perifungal membrane biogenesis in arbuscular mycorrhizas.
Myrigalone A Inhibits Lepidium sativum Seed Germination by Interference with Gibberellin Metabolism and Apoplastic Superoxide Production Required for Embryo Extension Growth and Endosperm Rupture
NADPH oxidase activity in pollen tubes is affected by calcium ions, signaling phospholipids and Rac/Rop GTPases
Next-generation sequencing and syntenic integration of flow-sorted arms of wheat chromosome 4A exposes the chromosome structure and gene content
Plant Aurora kinases play a role in maintenance of primary meristems and control of endoreduplication.
Plant genome diversity Volume 1
Platelet aggregation and anti-inflammatory effects of garden pea, desi chickpea and kabuli chickpea
Production of polyclonal antibodies to the recombinant Potato virus M (PVM) nonstructural triple gene block protein 1 and coat protein
Protease inhibitors as a possible new factor in agricultural plant protection against microbial and fungal attack
Recognition of Avirulence Gene AvrLm1 from Hemibiotrophic Ascomycete Leptosphaeria maculans Triggers Salicylic Acid and Ethylene Signaling in Brassica napus
Recovery from drought stress in tobacco - an active process associated with the reversal of senescence in some plant parts and the sacrifice of others
Redox and non-redox mechanism of in vitro cyclooxygenase inhibition by natural quinones
Regulation of tissue differentiation by plant growth regulators on tTCLs of Panax ginseng adventitious roots
Remediation of uranium mining areas in the Czech Republic
Remodeling of cytokinin metabolism at infection sites of Colletotrichum graminicola on maize leaves
Revealing phosphoproteins playing role in tobacco pollen activated in vitro
Role of polyamines in efficiency of Norway spruce (Hurst ecotype) somatic embryogenesis.
Selfish supernumerary chromosome reveals its origin as a mosaic of host genome and organellar sequences
Sequence composition and gene content of the short arm of rye (Secale cereale) chromosome 1
Sequencing wheat chromosome arm 7BS delimits the 7BS/4AL translocation and reveals homoeologous gene conservation
Structural insights into the inhibition of actin-capping protein by interactions with phosphatidic acid and phosphatidylinositol (4,5)-bisphosphate
Subgenomic analysis of microRNAs in polyploid wheat