How financial incentives and cognitive abilities affect task performance in laboratory settings: an illustration Ondrej Rydval and Andreas Ortmann Drawing on Gneezy and Rustichini (2000), we illustrate that subjects' cognitive abilities seem at least as important for their performance as do financial incentives they face. Theorists should thus pay more attention to the ability aspect of cognitive production. Na zaklade analyzy Gneezy and Rustichini (2000) ukazujeme, ze kognitivní schopnosti subjektu mohou byt minimalne tak dulezite pro jejich vykonnost jako financni incentivy, kterym celi. Teorie by proto mela klast vetsi duraz na lidske schopnosti pri modelovani kognitivni cinnosti. Keywords: human capital, endogenous growth, total factor productivity and growth accounting JEL classification: C81, C91, C93, D83