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Center for Economic Research & Graduate Education - Economics Institute



The Mission of Nadace CERGE-EI 

Nadace CERGE-EI was created for the purpose of raising funds to help support economics education in the Czech Republic and throughout Central and Eastern Europe. As is implied by our name, Nadace CERGE-EI is most closely affiliated with the Center for Economic Research and Graduate Education and the Economics Institute (CERGE-EI). However, we accept applications from any accredited educational institution which has economics education as its mission.

Nadace CERGE-EI is particularly dedicated to garnering the financial support necessary to sustain and advance the mission of CERGE-EI. We actively seek financial support from the private sector throughout Central and Eastern Europe, both for operating funds and for endowment. While annual operating funds continue to be the primary need of CERGE-EI, it is ultimately endowment support that will create a stable income base and long-term financial security for the institution.

Administrative Structure of Nadace CERGE-EI 

Nadace CERGE-EI is an extremely cost-efficient operation, with just one (part-time) employee. Our Board of Directors, chaired by Zdeněk Tůma, is a voluntary group of civic and business leaders who actively assist in Nadace's fund-raising efforts. The controlling body of the Nadace CERGE-EI is the Supervisory Board.

Blanka Hadová (Secretary to the Board)
Administrative Director
P.O. Box 882, Politických vězňů 7
111 21 Prague 1
Czech Republic
Tel: (+420) 224 005 143
Fax: (+420) 224 005 185
Email: nadace@cerge-ei.czThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

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