People at CERGE-EI
Michal Pakoš, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor

Office: 327
Voice: +420-224 005 121
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Michal Pakoš is an Assistant Professor at CERGE-EI (under US permananet charter) and at CERGE, Charles University since September 2011 and a Researcher at the Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic since August 2009. Earned his bachelor´s degree in Management (1998) from the Comenius University, Slovakia; master´s degree in Financial Management (2000) also from the Comenius University, Slovakia; MA. degree in Economics (2000/With Distinction) from the Central European University, Hungary; Ph.D. degree in Financial Economics (2005) from the Graduate School of Business of the University of Chicago, USA. From 2005 till 2009 he was working as an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Carnegie Mellon University, USA.
Research orientation:
Empirical macroeconomics, asset pricing, especially with asymmetric information, portfolio choice, quantitive financial economics.