50th Anniversary of IMG

 In 2012, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v.v.i. celebrates its 50th anniversary. The year 1962 marks the establishment of the independent Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (IEBG). According to the IMG Foundation Deed, IEBG is the direct predecessor of IMG, and this year we therefore celebrate the 50th anniversary of our Institute. However, as in 1977 IEBG was associated with several biochemical laboratories of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry and renamed the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (IMG), some consider 1977 as the definite year of IMG establishment.


The 50th anniversary of our Institute will be commemorated at this year’s Annual IMG Conference; several articles will be published in the Czech scientific journal Vesmír, in the Academic Bulletin and in the Czech version of Scientific American. All these texts are available below along with overviews of the most cited publications authored and co-authored by the scientists of IMG, or its predecessor IEBG. Of great interest is also a commemorative article by our prominent emeritus scientist and former director Jan Svoboda, and some photos from the history of the Institute.


Vivat IMG!


Overviews of Publications

50 most cited papers by IMG authors since the establishment of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics in 1962 by years

50 most cited IMG papers by years-EN

50 most cited papers by IMG authors (first or corresponding) since the establishment of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics in 1962

50 most cited papers by IMG authors-EN

Papers cited more than 200 times, where IMG authors are listed in other positions, published since the establishment of the Institute of Experimental Biology and Genetics in 1962

Most cited IMG authors at other positions-EN

Papers by present IMG scientists from non-IMG institutions (e.g. from postdoctoral stays) cited more than 300 times

Present papers cited more than 300 times VH

Survey of total citations of IMG scientists by August 15, 2012

celkova citovanost - aktualizace srpen 2012-AJ


Awards and Honours

Awards to IMG workers (or IEBG) (in Czech) Ceny UMG VH 20120919 v3


Articles on the 50th Anniversary of IMG

The Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, v.v.i. celebrates its 50th anniversary – Vesmír 91, November 2012 (in Czech) V902-903_UMG_50let_4
IMG – 50 years of discovery – Czech edition of Scientific American, July 2012 (in Czech) Sci. Am UMG_4
J. Svoboda: IMG and History (in Czech) J-Svoboda-Historie-i-UMG


Gallery of Historical Photos


Personalities of the Institute