
Main research areas:
- Science and research policy (in Czech Rep., EU, etc.);
- Study of the transformation of the Czech science and research;
- Social functions of science and research after the institutional transformation;
- Evaluation and benchmarking in research and development;
- Statistical analysis of research systems in transition, comparative studies.
Selected publications
Filáček, A.: Communication role of RTDI intermediaries. In: Hochgerner, J., Čornejová, I. (eds.): Communication in International R&D, Barrister & Principal, Brno 2008, s. 75-83.
Filáček, A.: Gumanitaristika i socialnyje nauki v Češskoj respublike: transformacija i sovremennaja naučnaja politika. Vostočnoevropejskije issledovanija (Meždunarodnyj žurnál po socialnym i gumanitarnym naukam), No. 8, 2008, s. 37 – 57 (http://www.vei-21.ru/archiv/viss08.pdf).
Filáček, A.: ST Intermediary activities in CZ NUTS 2 Region Prague: SUPER-SME Project. Teorie vědy, roč. 30, č. 1, 2008, s. 51-94.
Regional Innovation and Research Policy Outlook. Policy practices in eight European regions). GKI Economics Research, Budapest 2008, 133 p. (A. Filáček a J. Loudín spoluautoři spolu s dalšími 15 spoluautory).
Loudín, J., Filáček, A., Kostka, M., Tydláčková, K.: The regional innovation policy in South Moravia. Teorie vědy, roč. 30, č. 1, 2008, s. 5 - 30.
Filáček, A., Loudín, J., Krbec, Š., Mráček, K.: Strategic Evaluation on Innovation and the knowledge based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013. DG Regio EC, Brussels 2006, 88 p. (http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/evalstrat_innov/czechrepublic.pdf).
Strategic Evaluation on Innovation and the knowledge based economy in relation to the Structural and Cohesion Funds, for the programming period 2007-2013. DG Regio EC, Brussels 2006, 88 p., 2497 kB, http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/pdf/evalstrat_innov/czechrepublic.pdf
Věda a poznávání sociálně ekonomických procesů. Bankovní Institut – Vysoká škola, Praha 2005, 126 s., ISBN 80-7265-076-9
Innovative RTD organisations in the Czech Republic. In: Borsi, B., Dévai, K., Papanek, G. (eds.): The RECORD Experimental Map. Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession Countries. European Commission / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2005. p.21-24, elektronicky na www.record-network.net (Spoluautor Jiri Loudin)
Centres of Excellence in the Czech Republic. In: Borsi, B., Dévai, K., Papanek, G. (eds.): The RECORD Experimental Map. Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession Countries. European Commission / Budapest University of Technology and Economics, 2005. p.24-25, elektronicky na www.record-network.net (Spoluautor Jiri Loudin)
Benchmarking ve vědě a výzkumu. In: Štefan, J. (ed.): REDEM '05. Management ve vědě a výzkumu. Ostrava, Marq 2005, s. 39-48
Science Policy in the Humanities. Teorie vědy XIV (XXVII) č. 1/2005, s. 89-112
The Record Experimental Map: Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession Countries. Borsi, B., Dévai, K., Papanek, G. (eds.), contributors Filacek, A. and Loudín, J.; STRATA policy initiative of EC, European Commission, DG Research, Brussels - Budapest 2004, 200 p. (in print); electronic form on www.record-network.net
The RECORD Manual: Benchmarking Innovative Research Organisations in European Accession Countries. Borsi, B., Dévai, K., Papanek, G., Rush, H. (eds.), contributors Filacek, A. and Loudín, J.; STRATA policy initiative of EC, European Commission, DG Research, Brussels - Budapest 2004, 80 p.; electronic form on www.record-network.net
Science, knowledge, communication (in Czech). Festschrift to the 80th anniversary of Ladislav Tondl. FILOSOFIA, Prague 2004, p. 67-78
Science and Social Economic Processes (in Czech). Bank Institute University, Prague 2005, 126 p., ISBN 80-7265-076-9
Humanities and social sciences in European Research Area (in Czech). In: Filacek, A. (ed.): Science, knowledge, communication. Festschrift to the 80th anniversary of Ladislav Tondl. FILOSOFIA, Prague 2004, p. 67-78
Utilisation of benchmarking methodology in the governance and management of research and development: experience from the Czech Republic. In: Borsi, B., Papanek, G. (eds.): Supporting RECORD centres of excellence: conclusions for policy. Vienna 2004, p. 91-96 (co-author with Karel Aim)
Benchmarking in Science and Research (in Czech). In: Štefan, J. (ed.): REDEM '04. Management in Research and Development. Ostrava, Marq 2004, p. 55-65
Social Sciences and Humanities in the Czech Republic. Theory of Science (Teorie vědy) XIII (XXVI) č. 1/2004, p. 5-34
Benchmarking RTD organisations in the Czech Republic: experience from RECORD quantitative survey. In: Borsi, B., Papanek, G., Papaioannou, T. (eds.): Towards the practice of benchmarking RTD organisations in the Accession States. Ljubljana 2003, p. 99-122
Remarks on corporate demand for R&D in the Czech Republic. In: Borsi, B., Papanek, G., Papaioannou, T. (eds.): Towards the praktice of benchmarking RTD organisations in the Accession States. Ljubljana 2003, p. 29-42
Evaluation of research and innovation activities in BERD (in Czech). Theory of Science XI (XXIV) 2002, No. 3, p. 5-40
Selected aspects of Science Policy in EU (in Czech). Theory of Science XI (XXIV) 2002, No. 1, p. 79-100
Evaluation of Basic Research in the Czech Republic: the Case of Humanities and Social Sciences. In: Dévai, K. Papanek, G., Borsi, B. (eds.): A Methodology for Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. Brighton 2002, p. 83-96
Extract from the "STAR" report: the Czech Republic. In: Dévai, K., Papanek, G., Borsi, B. (eds.): A Methodology for Benchmarking RTD Organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. Brighton 2002, p. 153-157 (co-author)
Problems of Public Administration Reform Seen in the Context of Utilization of Information Technologies; 5 p. In: Innovations for an e-Society. Challenges for Technology Assessment, ITS + VDI/VDE-T, Teltow 2001, ISBN: 3-89750-097-3 (co-author)
Harmonising the Functioning of Science and Research. In: Pak, N.K., Simeonova, K., Turkcan, E.: Strategies of the International Scientific Cooperation in South-East Europe. NATO Science Series, Series 4, Vol 30, IOS Press, Ohmsha 2000, p. 55-60
The Intellectual, Social and Human Dimensions of Science and Research Assessment: Transformation Experience of the Czech Republic. Science, Technology, Society (Theory of Science) IX (XXII) 2000, No. 1, p. 53-65
Problems of the Production and Application of Knowledge in a Societal Transformation: The Czech Republic`s Approach to Knowledge Society. In: Banse, G., Langenbach, Ch., Machleidt, P. (eds.): Towards the Information Society. The Case of Central and Eastern European Countries. Springer Verlag 2000, p. 61-74 (co-author)
Transformation of Science and Research in the Czech Republic (in Czech). Filosofia, Praha 1998, 332 str. (co-author)
Transformation of Science and Research in the Czech Republic. Science and Public Policy XXV, February 1998, p. 23-35 (co-author)
Coping with Scarcity: Strategies of Personnel Reduction. In: Weingart, P., et al. (eds.): East European Academies in Transition. Kluwer publ., Dodrecht 1998, p. 33-47 (co-author)
Network on Transformation of Science Systems in the Central- and East European Countries: Results and Experience. Science, Technology, Society (Theory of Science) VI (XIX) 1997. No. 1, p. 103-118 (co-author)
Transformation des Wissenschaftssystems in der Tschechischen Republik. In: Mayntz, R., Schimank, U., Weingart, P. (Hrsg.): Transformation mittel- und osteuropäischer Wissenschaftssysteme. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 1995, p.712-806 (co-author)
Participation in international projects:
RECORD - Recognising Central and Eastern European Centres of R&D: Perspectives for the ERA, STRATA Programme of the 5. Framework Programme EU
"Futures Project", "Enlargement Project", a dále Working Group on "Education, Knowledge and Skills", Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Sevilla
Network on Transformation of Science Systems in the Central- and East European Countries, German Federal Ministry of Research
Czech grant projects:
2003-2004 contract with the Governmental Council for R&D, co-author of expertise on selected European innovation systems.
2000-2002 grant project GA ČR reg. No. 401/00/0442 „Intellectual, Social and Human Dimensions of Science and Research Evaluation in the Czech Republic“. Project results were published and positively evaluated by opponents.
1997-1999 grant project GA ČR reg. No. 401/96/0182 „Social Functions of Science and Research under the Conditions of Transformation and European Integration“. Project results were published and positively evaluated by opponents.
head of the Centre for Science, Technology, Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy AS CR
teaching at the Bank Institute – Private University
delegate CR v Programme Committee "Improving Human Potential and Socioeconomic Knowledge Base", DG Research, Brussels
secretary of the Humanities and Social Sciences Division AS CR
researcher in the Centre for Science, Technology, Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy AS CR (2001-2002 deputy head)
researcher in the Institute of Theory and History of Science CSAV
researcher in the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology CSAV
Ph.D. at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in sociology, (minor subject application of mathematics)
researcher in the Institute of Mathematics CSAV
doctorate at the Charles University in mathematics (minor subject mathematical statistics and probability)
diploma in mathematics (minor subject mathematical statistics and probability) at the Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
maturity exams on secondary school in Prague
born 25. 11.
Centre for Science, Technology, Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy AS CR
Jilská 1,
110 00 Praha 1
Room 214a.
tel.: (+420) 222 220 107, 224 240 507,
fax (+420) 222 220 725, 224 240 519
E-mail: filacek@kav.cas.cz, stsscz@cesnet.cz