Animal Facility

Mouse Models

The IMG animal (mouse) facility has recently been housed in three buildings on the Krč campus and is accredited for work with genetically modified animals, with total capacity up to 8,000 cages. To date, we have available about 160 mouse strains; most of them are unique. All animals are housed under standard pathogen-free conditions required for high-quality research. We built a new quarantine with a capacity up to 400 cages, allowing us to import animals from cooperating institutes more easily. The animal facility also hosts the Transgenic Unit, which produces various types of transgenic and gene knock-out mice and performs re-derivation from the quarantine. Another building of the animal facility that was renovated in 2010 accommodates the experimental space for poultry. It also houses instruments for X-ray irradiation and sonography, both available to the entire Campus of Biomedical Institutes of the Academy of Sciences.


Chicken Models

This facility is located in the village Koleč, north of Prague, about 45 km from the main Campus of Biomedical Institutes in Prague-Krč. It mainly takes care of breeding genetically defined inbred, congenic and outbred chicken lines (and one duck line). The facility produces eggs, embrya and chickens for several research groups focusing on chicken models. Until the experimental laboratories for work with chicken are reconstructed on the Prague-Krč Campus, the facility is also used for experimental laboratory work.


