Facts and Figures


Total number 389
Calculated number 292,03


PhD students 91
Master students 32
In scientific departments 279
In service departments 58
Administrative staff 35

Age structure of the university-educated employees

  altogether women men
up to 30 years 104 62 42
31-40 years 62 28 34
41-50 years 37 15 22
41-60 years 18 8 10
above 60 years 22 9 13
In total 243 122 121

Number of lecture hours at the university in 2011

591 (309 SS, 282 FS)

The structure of financial resources in 2011 (in thousands CZK)

(excluding construction)
Institutional support of the ASCR 110 267 144 133
Earmarked funds (grants, etc.) CR 1 763 177 916
Foreign grants 0 10 654

The average monthly salary (for 2011)

35 910 CZK


The total floor area 12 500 m2
The laboratory area 4 500 m2