
doc. RNDr. Jitka Kubátová CSc.

» National Information Centre for European Research

Jitka Kubátová  has been working in the Department for Research Information of the Technology Centre ASCR since 1998. She was active as the national contact point (priorities GROWTH  FP5, NMP FP6 and partly NMP FP7) and manager of EU projects MINATECH (FP5), NANOROADMAP (FP6), FramingNano (FP7) and NanoCode (FP7).  She coordinated the Czech project “Preparation of a New Multidisciplinary Course NANOTECHNOLOGY” (ESF-OP RLZ 2006-2008). She is co-author of the publication “Nanotechnologies in the Czech Republic 2005” (Ed. Repronis Ostrava) and co-worker in the publication “Nanotechnologies in the Czech Republic 2008”  (Ed. ČSNMT). At present she is engaged  in analytical, management and consulting  activities in the field of nanosciences and nanotechnologies focused in particular on practical research applications and on the nanomaterials safety /risk issues. - She graduated in experimental physics from the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Charles University in Prague, obtained her Ph.D. degree  from the Institute of Physics ASCR and habilitated at the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague. She worked for a long period as scientist in the field of luminescence and materials research in the Institute  of Physics ASCR in Prague.


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