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14 Jul 12 - 19 Sep 19
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Colloqium Fluid Dynamics 2011

Prague, Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR, lecture room B, October 19–21, 2011
Stránka konference: Colloqium Web Page

The Institute of Thermomechanics ASCRCzech Society for Mechanics and the ERCOFTAC Czech Pilot Centre will organise on October 19 – 21, 2011


Colloquium FLUID DYNAMICS 2011

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Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v.v.i. Czech Society for Mechanics ERCOFTAC Czech Pilot Centre

The purpose of the Colloquium is to bring together experts on theoretical and experimental fluid mechanics from the academic institutes, universities and other research and development establishments and to offer the opportunity to exchange and update information on the solved problems and to serve as a forum for discussion with leading scientists. The Colloquium will be held in the building of the Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR.

The contributions are devoted to the experimental investigations, numerical simulations and theoretical studies of laminar, transitional and turbulent shear flows in the external and internal aero-hydrodynamics, environmental aerodynamics, biomechanics and in further natural and industrial applications. Also, the reports on new experimental and numerical methods, experimental apparatus and equipments for the fluid mechanical research are welcome.

Keynote Lectures

Jonáš P.
A Note on History of Organizing Fluid Dynamics Colloquia in the IT CAS CR

Baumert H. Z.
Universal Constants and Equations of Turbulent Motion


Abu Darag S. Uruba V. Horák V.
An Evaluation of Novel Integral Scheme for Calculations of Transitional Boundary Layers

Antoš P. Mazur O.
Development of Two-Sensor Hot-Wire Probes for Measurement of the Velocity and the Temperature

Bodnár T. Pirkl L.
A Remark on the Deviatoric Decomposition of Oldroyd Type Models

Ducomet B. Nečasová Š.
On the Motion of Rigid Bodies in an Incompressible or Compressible Viscous Fluid under the Action of Gravitational Forces

Hladík O. Jonáš P. Mazur O. Uruba V.
Preliminary Results on Transitional Intermittency in the Zero Pressure Gradient Boundary Layers

Hyhlík T.
CFD Computation of Natural Draft Cooling Tower Flow

Jirk A. Brechler J.
Numerical Simulations with the Usage of High Order Accuracy Methods

Kellnerová R. Kukačka L. Jurčáková K. Uruba V. Jaňour Z.
POD Analysis of Turbulent Flow and its Physical Meaning

Keslerová R. Kozel K.
Numerical Modelling of Viscous and Viscoelastic Fluids Flow

Kharlamov A. Filip P.
Motion of Multiple Cylinders in Potential Flow of Ideal Fluid

Medková D.
Neumann Problem for the Stokes System

Něnička V. Tesař V. Šonský J.
Methods of Identification of Coupled Vortex Structures in Motion

Nosek Š. Jaňour Z. Jurčáková K. Kellnerová R. Kukačka L.
Dispersion over Open-Cut Coal Mine-Wind Tunnel Modelling Strategy

Pick P.
Calibration of A Five Hole Probe and Calibration Data Processing

Pražák J.
Micromodels of Porous Structures

Procházka P. Uruba V.
Identification of Vortex Structures in Dynamicstudio Software

Sieber M. Oberleithner K. Nayeri C. N. Paschereit C. O.
Model Design and Calibration for Closed-Loop Control of Swirling Jet Instabilities

Skála V. Matějka M.
Vliv syntetizovaného paprsku na obtékání aerodynamické překážky

Sokołowski J. Stebel J.
Shape sensitivity analysis of time-dependent flows of incompressible non-Newtonian fluids

Součková N. Šimurda D. Uruba V.
An Examination of Flow Behaviour Downstream of Vortex Generators at Zero Pressure Gradient by Numerical Simulation

Šimonek J. Kozel K. Jaňour Z.
Numerical Simulation of 3D Stratified Flow in ABL

Šonský J.
Velocimetry and Acclerometry in Highly Luminous Plasma Jet

Uruba V. Hladík O. Jonáš P.
Dynamics of Secondary Flow in Rectangular Channel

Varnhorn W.
A Maximum Modulus Estimate for the Stokes Equations

Organizing Commitee

RNDr. Pavel Jonáš, DrSc.
Doc. Ing. Václav Uruba, CSc.
Colloqium secretariat: Hana Plavcová

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