Astronomický ústav AV ČR   Ondřejov

Fričova 298
251 65 Ondřejov
Czech Republic

Tel. +420 323649201
Fax: +420 323620 110, 117

Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


Contact information

List of phone numbers and e-mails

Adress and contact
site Ondrejov
adress Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences
Fricova 298
251 65 Ondrejov
phone +420 323 649 201 or 212
fax +420 323620 110 or 117
coordinates East. long.: 14° 47' 01,1" = 0h 59min 8.1s
North lat.: +49° 54' 38"
sidereal time correction -9,71 s
altitude 528 m
identification number 6798 5815
site Praha - Sporilov
adress Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences
Bocni II 1401/1a
141 31 Praha 4
phone +420 267 103 111 or 038

Directions to Ondrejov

by car

Ondrejov is situated 33  km southwest of Prague. Use highway D1 (Praha – Brno), exit Mirosovice. Direction to Benesov, after 2 km change direction to Senohraby a then through Turkovice to Ondrejov. (See Ondrejov at

by bus Bus line Praha - Ondrejov is operated by line no. 383 from the final destination of metro C, station Haje.  The nearest station to the institute is bus station  "Ondrejov - U Pily". But most of the buses stops at  "Ondrejov - namesti".
by train There is no train station at Ondrejov. The nearest stations are Mnichovice (6 km far away - then use bus), Mirosovice and Senohraby (4 km) or Chocerady (5 km).