Methodology for Evaluating Research Organisations and RD&I Purpose-tied Aid Programmes (valid for years 2017+)

This regulation approved under Czech Government Resolution No. 107 of 8 February 2017 fulfils the duty of the RDI Council defined in Act No. 130/2002 Sb., on public funding of research, experimental development and innovations, and amendments to some related acts (the Research, Experimental Development and Innovation Aid Act), as amended (the “Act”). The RDI Council is to ensure that “the Methodology for evaluating results of research organisations and completed programmes be prepared and submitted to government” (section 35(2)(c) of the Act) and “the results of research organisations and completed programmes be evaluated using the Methodology for evaluating results of research organisations and completed programmes subject to approval by government” (section 35(2)(d) of the Act).

The purpose of evaluating the research, development and innovations (“R&D&I”) system through the Methodology for Evaluating Research Organisations and Research, Development and Innovations Purpose-tied Support Programmes (“Methodology 2017+”) is to:

  • Collect information for quality management of R&D&I at all levels (the formative aspects);
  • Enhance the efficiency of spending public funds (the comprehensive aspects);
  • Support the quality and international competitiveness of Czech R&D&I;
  • Distribute and add to the accountability of the stakeholders in the R&D&I system;
  • Get information for granting subsidies for long-term conceptual development of a research organisation (“LCDRO”).

In accordance with section 5a(2)(b) of Act No. 130/2002 Sb., evaluation is a source of data for the RDI Council to prepare a draft state budget for R&D&I.

The RDI Council/RDI Section will ensure evaluation at the national level of the R&D&I system management. At the provider level, evaluation will be conducted by collaboration between the provider/promoter and the RDI Council.


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