
Advanced Techniques in Fluorescence Microscopy


  • Date & Time: 29.11.2012 - 1.12.2012
  • Location: IMG Building

The major objective of the course is to introduce powerfull tools of basic and advanced fluorescence microscopy to potential users: PhD students and Postdocs with research interests in cell and developmental biology. [continue]

Jiří Dienstbier Visit

Other Events

  • Date & Time: 4.12.2012 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • Location: IMG, Milan Hašek Auditorium

The Institute of Molecular Genetics will welcome a visit by Jiří Dienstbier, one of the candidates for the position of the President of the Czech Republic.

Seminar – Jana Nejepínská


  • Date & Time: 5.12.2012 | 15:00
  • Location: IMG, Milan Hašek Auditorium

“Inhibitory effects of double-stranded RNA-expressing plasmids alias The hidden risk of transient co-transfections”