
If you want to process your tissue samples for histological analysis follow these steps.

1) Register your interest for tissue processing in the reservation form. During reservation, select the color of histological cassette you intend to use to distinguish your cassettes from those of the other users. You may pick up the cassettes in the laboratory. Use pencil to label it. Keep monitoring this webpage to see when the sample processing is scheduled.
2) Get your samples ready for the collective dehydratation. You may choose one of the following fixation protocols or use your own. Generally, fixation in 4% formaldehyde may last from several hours to several days. More than five days in 4% formaldehyde may result in overfixation and antigen recognition may be impaired. After fixation, tissue can be stored in 70% ethanol until processing.
3) On the day of tissue processing, bring your samples to the histological laboratory in the basement of the IMG building before 5 pm. The laboratory is located in rear part of the building, between the electron microscopy facility and the cryobank, room No. 0.156.
4) Place your samples into the retort of the tissue processor. The retort will be filled up with 70% ethanol. You will find a list of all users registered for the tissue processing on the tissue processor. Strike through your name and adjust the number of samples, if changed.
5) Tissue processor runs overnight and it is programmed to finish the next day at 9 am. Then you may proceed to molding of the paraffin blocks. You will find your samples in right-hand drawer of the paraffin embedding station. You should register in the webcalendar prior to use. Also note that new users should be instructed before working with paraffin embedding station.
6) Tissue sectioning, deparaffination and antigen retrieval are performed by users individually. Training is also required before operating the microtome and other equipment.