No. III.-IV.

Hlavní stránka » pages » Journal Soudobé dějiny » Volume XV. (2008) » No. III.-IV. »



Bedřich Loewenstein
Ill-informed Enthusiasts?

Günter Bischof
‘No Action’:
The Johnson Administration and the Soviet-led Intervention in Czechoslovakia

Jakub Končelík
‘Two-thousands Words’:
The Origin and Impact of an Unexpectedly Influential Manifesto

Karel Hrubý
Political Discourses of Intellectuals during the ‘Prague Spring’

Petr Koura
Films of Laughter and Forgetting:
The ‘Prague Spring’ in Czech Film during the ‘Normalization’ Period

Dalibor Vácha
Teplushki and Eshelony: The Czechoslovak Legionaries across Russia by Rail


Ondřej Felcman    The ‘Ultras’ in Hradec:
Pro-Soviet Forces in the Hradec Králové Region in Autumn 1968


Luciano Antonetti
Dubček in Italy: The Prague Spring as a Symbol Twenty Years Later


Peter Heumos
Socio-historical Research on Communist Systems

Michal Pullmann
Social History and the Totalitarian-History Narrative

Martin Jindra
Of Martyrs ‘Genuine’ and ‘Spurious’:
Concerning Zdeněk R. Nešpor’s Review

Zdeněk R. Nešpor
A Reply to Martin Jindra


Adéla Gjuričová
Three Works on Czech Roman Catholicism and the Church

Robert Kvaček
A Fraught Topic:
A Volume of Articles on a Century of Sudeten-German History

Václav Průcha
A Monograph on Developments in Czech Society and
the Status of the Working Class, 1948–60

Renata Wohlgemuthová
The First Lady of the First Republic

Jaromír Balcar
A Thorough German Work on the Post-war Resettlement of the Borderlands

Zdenka Jeřábková
Useful Insights into Economic History

Jaroslav Vaculík
Poles in London Exile during World War Two in Memoirs

Vladimír Kašík
A Cautious Assessment of a ‘Citizen of Six Countries’


Martina Miklová
A Conference on the German-speaking Population of Post-war Czechoslovakia




Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science Europeana

Current events in picture

Hrdinové a antihrdinové národních dějin zemí Visegrádu v historiografické reflexi sousedů, Černínský palác 1.-3.12.2011. Konference se uskutečnila v rámci českého předsednictví ve Visegrádské skupině.
