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Academy of Sciences
of the Czech Republic


Proceedings (2009)

List of 42 papers in proceedings published in 2009. List is in alphabetical order by the first author. Scientists from our institute are underlined.

Castro-Tirado, A.J. - Šimon, Vojtěch - Hudec, René - de Ugarte Postigo, A. - Gorosabel, J. - Jelínek, M. - Fatkhullin, T. A. - Pérez-Ramírez, D. - Kubánek, K. - Guziy, S.: Flares from the Magnetar Candidate SWIFT J1955+2604: a Missing Link to Dim Isolated Neutron Stars?. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 497-502.

Goosmann, R. W. - Dovčiak, Michal - Mouchet, M. - Czerny, B. - Karas, Vladimír - Goncalves, A.:Exploring Black Hole Accretion in Active Galactic Nuclei with Simbol-X. In Simbol-X: Focusing on the hard X-ray universe. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009. S. 162-164.

Hadravová, A. - Hadrava, Petr: Johannes Kepler and Czech history. In Johannes Kepler. From Tübingen to Żagań.
Warsaw : Wydawnictwo Instytutu Historii Nauki PAN, 2009 S. 197-204.

Heinzel, Petr: RMHS Modeling of Solar Prominences, AIPC 1171, 2009. S.331-338

Hudec, René: History of grazing incidence x-ray optics in the
Czech Republic. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space. Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. S. 73600D-1-73600D-15.

Hudec, René - Hromčík, M. - Elvis, M. - Gedeon, O.: Active x-ray optics. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space.
Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. S. 736009-1-736009-8.

Hudec, René - Marsikova, V. - Míka, M. - Sik, J. - Lorenz, M. - Pína, L. - Inneman, A. - Skulinová, Michaela: Advanced x-ray optics with Si wafers and slumped glass. In Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy IV.
Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009 74370S-1-74370S-12.

Hudec, René - Pína, L. - Inneman, A..J. - Semencova, V. - Sveda, L.: Replicated grazing incidence micromirrors. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space.
Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. S. 73600G-1-73600G-12.

Hudec, René - Pína, L. - Švéda, L. - Semencová, V. - Inneman, A. - Skulinová, Michaela: The feasibility of independent observations/detections of GRBs in X-rays. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 218-220.

Hudec, René - Sik, J. - Lorenc, M. - Pína, L. - Semencová, V. - Míka, M. - Inneman, A. - Skulinová, Michaela: Back-up technologies for IXO. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space.
Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. 73600L-1-73600L-12.

Hudec, René - Spurný, M. - Krizek, P. - Páta, P. - Rerabek, M.: Low-Cost Optical All-Sky Monitor For Detection of Bright OTs of GRBs. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 215-217.

Hudec, René - Šimon, Vojtěch - Hudec, L.: The GRB Investigations by ESA Satellite Gaia. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 52-54.

Chapanov, Y. - Vondrák, Jan - Ron, Cyril: 22-year oscillations of UT1, core angular momentum and geomagnetic field. In Journées 2008 systemes de référence spatio-temporels.
Dresden : Lohrmann-Observatorium, 2009 S. 178-181.

Kopáček, Ondřej - Karas, Vladimír: Electro-magnetic fields around a drifting Kerr black hole. In Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 S. 127-128.

Korčáková, Daniela - Kubát, Jiří: The solution of the radiative transfer equation in axial symmetry. In Numerical Methods in Multidimensional Radiative Transfer.
Berlin : Springer, 2009 S. 237-246.

Korčáková, Daniela - Votruba, Viktor - Kubát, Jiří - Werner, K. - Škoda, Petr - Nagel, T.: Radiative Transfer in Axial Symmetry. In Recent directions in astrophysical quantitative spectroscopy and radiation hydrodynamics. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009. S. 359-360

Kostelecký, J. – Klokočník, Jaroslav: Satellite Altimetry in the Center of Earth Dynamics Research. In Mission and Passion: Science. Prague : Czech National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2009. S. 135-145.

Kraus, Michaela - Borges Fernandes, M. - de Araújo, F. X.: On the huge mass loss of B[e] supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds. In The Magellanic System: Stars, Gas, and Galaxies. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 S. 431-436.

Kubát, Jiří: Radiative transfer in NLTE model atmospheres. In Numerical Methods in Multidimensional Radiative Transfer.
Berlin : Springer, 2009 S. 227-236

Kubát, Jiří: Static spherically symmetric NLTE model atmospheres near the Eddington limit. In Recent directions in astrophysical quantitative spectroscopy and radiation hydrodynamics. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009. S. 357-358.

Lynnyk, A. - Vandas, Marek: The study of magnetic clouds: expansion and discontinuities. In WDS 2009 - Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Praha : Matfyzpress, 2009 S. 9-14.

McEntaffer, R.L. - Hudec, René- Murray, J.; Holland, A.D.: A high resolution x-ray spectrometer utilizing Kirkpatrick-Baez optics and off-plane gratings. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space.
Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. S. 736014-1-736014-10.

Molenda-Żakowicz, J. - Jerzykiewicz, M. - Kopacki, G. - Frasca, A. - Catanzaro, G. - Latham, D. - Niemczura, E. - Narwid, A. - Stęslicki, M. - Arentoft, T. - Kubát, Jiří - Drobek, D. - Dimitrow, W.: Spectroscopic and Photometric Observations of Kepler Asteroseismic Targets. In Stellar pulsation: Challenges for theory and observation. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009. S. 531-534.

Palouš, Jan - Wünsch, Richard - Tenorio-Tagle, G. - Silich, S.: Origin of Star-to-Star Abundance Inhomogeneities in Star Clusters. In Galaxy Disk in Cosmological Context.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009 S. 233-238.

Paral, Jan - Trávníček, Pavel M. - Kabin, K. - Rankin, R. - Zurbuchen, T. H.
Spatial distribution and energy spectrum of heavy ions in the Hermean magnetosphere with application to MESSENGER flybys.
[Prostorové rozložení a energetické spektrum těžkých iontů v magnetosféře planety Merkur s aplikací na průlety sondy MESSENGER.]
WSPC - Proceedings, Advances in Geosciences, Roč. 15, (2009), s. 1-16.

Sidorin, Vojtěch - Palouš, Jan: Shell-Like Structures in the ISM: Observation Versus Simulations. In WDS'09 Proceedings of Contributed Papers. Prague :Matfyzpress, 2009 S. 52-58.

Skulinová, Michaela - Hudec, René - Sik, J. - Lorenc, M. - Pína, L. - Semencová, V.: Alternative materials in view of new light weight x-ray optics. In Optics for EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Astronomy IV.
Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. 74370V-1-74370V-8.

Skulinová, Michaela - Hudec, René - Sik, J. - Lorenc, M. - Pína, L. - Semencová, V.: New lightweight x-ray optics: alternative materials.   736016-1-736016-8.

Skulinová, Michaela - Pelliciari, C. - Hanlon, L. - McBreen, B. - O'Reilly, F.:
Crystal characterization for a gamma-ray Laue concentrator. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space. Bellingham : International Society For Optical Engineering, 2009 736019-1-736019-8.

Slošiar, R. - Hudec, René: Indirect detections and analyses of GRBs by ionospheric response. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 428-430.

Sobotka, Michal - Heinzel, Petr - Kašparová, Jana: Examples of Science Cases and Requirements for EST. In Solar Polarization 5: In Honor of Jan Olof Stenflo.
San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2009 S. 455-460.

Stuchlík, Z. - Kovář, J. - Karas, Vladimír: Off-equatorial circular orbits in magnetic fields of compact objects. In Cosmic Magnetic Fields: From Planets, to Stars and Galaxies.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 S. 125-126.

Šíma, Zdislav – Vítek, Vojtěch: Notes on Global Quasistatic Changes in the Ocean–Atmosphere System. In Mission and Passion: Science. Prague : Czech National Committee of Geodesy and Geophysics, 2009. S. 221-230.

Šimon, Vojtěch - Pizzichini, G. - Hudec, René: Luminosity and colors of the early optical transient of GRB060218 in the context of the optical afterglows. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 250-252.

Šimon, Vojtěch - Pizzichini, G. - Hudec, René: Time evolution of the UVOT color indices of SN 2006aj/GRB060218. In Gamma-ray Burst. Melville : American Institute of Physics, 2009 S. 247-249.

Štěpán, Jiří: NLTE Effects in the Transfer of Polarized Lines of Multiterm Atoms. In Solar Polarization 5: In Honor of Jan Olof Stenflo.
San Francisco : Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2009 S. 307-310.

Švéda, L. – Hudec, René - Pína, L. - Semencova, V. - Inneman, A.: Lobster eye: technology and imaging properties. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space.
Bellingham : International Society For Optical Engineering, 2009. S. 73600F-1-73600F-10.

Tichý, Vl. - Hromčík, M. - Hudec, René - Inneman, A.. - Jakubek, J. - Maršík, J. - Pína, L. – Semencová, V.: Small x-ray telescope based on lobster eye x-ray optics and pixel detector. In EUV and X-Ray Optics: Synergy between Laboratory and Space. Bellingham : International Society for Optical Engineering, 2009. S. 736011-1-736011-10.

Tsiropoula, G. - Tziotziou, K. - Schwartz, Pavol - Heinzel, Petr: Oscillatory phenomena in a solar network region. Universal Heliophysical Processes.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 S. 181-184.

Vondrák, Jan: Geophysical contributions in precession-nutation. In Proceedings of the Serbian-Bulgarian Astronomical Conference /6./.
Belgrade : Astronomical Society Rudjer Boškovič, 2009 S. 143-153.

Vondrák, Jan - Capitaine, N. - Wallace, P.: Towards a long-term parametrization of precession. In Journées 2008 systemes de référence spatio-temporels.
Dresden : Lohrmann-Observatorium, 2009 S. 23-26.

Yasnov, L. V. - Karlický, Marian: On spatial variations of magnetic field and superthermal electron distribution in cm-radio burst source. In Universal Heliophysical Processes.
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009 S. 353-356.