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Grant 201/00/D058     1.9.2000 - 31.8.2003
Grantor: Grant Agency of Czech Republic (GACR)

Qualitative theory of functional differential equations of non-Volterra's type

Two-point boundary value problems for the first order scalar functional differential equations were studied in the framework of the project. Efficient criteria guaranteeing the existence, uniqueness, and non-negativity (resp. non-positivity) of solutions to the problems considered were established. The results were successively published in scientific journals. The research was crowned by a monograph where the mentioned results were generalized, made more complete, and presented in the comprehensive form. The other questions of the qualitative theory of functional differential equations (like oscillation and asymptotic behaviours of solutions, solvability of boundary value problems for systems of functional differential equations, etc.) can be investigated using the techniques and methods developed in the framework of the project.

 Main investigators:

Hakl Robert

 Participating institutions:

Institute of Mathematics AS CR