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13 Feb 10 - 6 Apr 19
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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Tuesday, 04.12.2012 10:00 - 11:00

Jeevaka Weerasinghe (University of North Texas and University of Arkansas, USA)

Dielectric permittivity, tunability and loss are dynamical properties of ferroelectrics with many important technological applications.

Monday, 10.12.2012 14:00 - 15:00

Prof. Jacques Ferré (Laboratoire de Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France)

Past seminars

Karel Král Electron-phonon interaction in the photoluminescence of quasi-zero dimensional nanostructures 27.11.2012 15:00
Pavel Novák Calculation of crystal field parameters 15.11.2012 14:00
Martin Nikl R&D of inorganic scintillation materials in the Institute of Physics ASCR 14.11.2012 15:00
Pierre-Eymeric Janolin The twist and turns in perovskites 08.11.2012 10:00
Ilja Turek Ab initio theory of magnetic anisotropies in random tetragonal Fe-Co alloys 06.11.2012 15:00
prof. Toshiya Sakata In vitro biosensing with semiconductor-based platform 06.11.2012 10:00
Jaroslav Trnka Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian 05.11.2012 15:00
Jan Kuneš Electronic correlations in the vicinity of spin state transition 01.11.2012 14:00
Petr Čársky Determination of Structure of Diamond Nanoparticles by means of ab initio Calculations of Vibrational Excitation by Electron Impact 30.10.2012 15:00
Lothar Ley Colloquium 2012, Cukrovarnická 24.10.2012 10:00
Christian Maes It increases with time - what is it? 23.10.2012 15:00
Roberto Robles Electronic and magnetic properties of supported transition metal phthalocyanines 23.10.2012 10:00
Dr. Dieter Van Den Bleeken Scaling solutions and pure Higgs states 22.10.2012 15:00
Florian Loder Interface-superconductivity in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling and magnetic fields 18.10.2012 15:00
Ivan Pelant Progress in luminescence spectroscopy 17.10.2012 15:00
Leszek Jurczyszyn Theoretical studies of the adsorption and diffusion processes on W(111) and W(112) surfaces 16.10.2012 15:00
Ondřej Šipr, Juan Manuel Perez-Mato, Branton J. Campbell Magnetické struktury a jejich symetrie 15.10.2012 09:00
Luca Lopez Cubic interactions of higher spins in (A)dS 08.10.2012 15:00
Petr Závada Deep inelastic scattering kinematics in covariant approximation (II) 05.10.2012 13:30
Pavel Bakule Science Café – the next lecture on ELI Beamlines 02.10.2012 19:00
Marek Pasciak Local structure of selected perovskite compounds: Diffuse scattering and atomistic simulations 02.10.2012 15:00
Dr. István Jánossy Some optical effects in azo-dye containing liquid crystals and polymers 25.09.2012 10:00
Toshifumi Noumi Constraints on a class of classical solutions in open string field theory 24.09.2012 15:00
Klaus Mann From deep UV to soft x-rays: Overview of research at short wavelengths in the Laser Lab. Göttingen 20.09.2012 10:00
Prof. Sergei V. Bulanov Relativistic Laboratory Astrophysics with Extreme Power Lasers 05.09.2012 15:00
Remarks from the Joint International Symposium 11th ISFD & 11th RCBJSF 04.09.2012 10:00
A. G. Nikitin Supersymmetric and superintegrable models of quantum mechanics 27.08.2012 15:00
Lalit Mohan Kukreja Laser Rapid Manufacturing and Peening: Recent Developments 01.08.2012 14:00
Hiromitsu Kiriyama High power laser developments at JAEA 24.07.2012 14:00
Petr Hořava Gravity with Anisotropic Scaling and the Multicritical Universe 17.07.2012 15:00

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