HomeInstrumentationUV-VIS, IR, Raman and CD IR and Raman Spectrometers

IR and Raman Spectrometers



Location:   Research team of Dr. Petr Bouř
Responsible person:   Dr. Jaroslav Šebestík (phone 220 183 445)


The BioTools ChiralRAMAN-2X is spectrometer for the measurement of Raman Optical Activity (ROA) with microscope.

  • 2W green diode laser OPUS 532 (excitation at 532 nm) with adjustable power output
  • measuring in spectral range 100-2000 cm-1


Nicolet 6700 with Agilent GC 6850

Location:   Laboratory of Molecular Spectroscopy (Dr. Lucie Bednárová)
Responsible person:   Dr. Lucie Bednárová (phone 220 183 593)

Nicolet 6700


  • gas chromatograph Agilent 6850 interfaced to FTIR for GC-IR measurements (termostated capillary cell with optical path length 200 mm)
  • multireflex and single reflex ATR attachment
  • diffuse reflectance attachment
  • accessory for the measurement of temperature dependences


Jasco NSF-330 near-field spectrometer

Location:   Research team of Prof. Josef Michl
Responsible person:   Dr. Jiří Kaleta (phone 220 183 342)

Jasco NSF-330

Jasco NSF-330 Near-field Scanning Optical Micro-photoluminescence spectrometer (equipped by cryostat) is micro-spectrometer for observation of photoluminescence/Raman and fluorescence spectra at sub-wavelength high-spatial resolution. Spectra and spectrally resolved mapped images can be obtained from single semiconductor quantum dots and wires at better than 100 nm spatial resolution.

Instrument is used for detection of single molecules and their orientation in space (or small numbers of molecules). When sufficiently large arrays of rotors become available, it will be used to examine their collective rotational motion.


Nicolet 6700 with PEM module

Location:   Research team of Prof. Josef Michl
Responsible person:   Dr. Jiří Kaleta (phone 220 183 342)

Nicolet 6700 with PEM module

Thermo Fischer Scientific Nicolet 6700 FT-IR spectrometer, equipped by Photoelastic Modulation Module (PEM), serves for obtaining ordinary and polarized infrared spectra of samples of extremely small absorbance. The Instrument is used in our investigations of monolayers and of two-dimensional grids for the mounting of molecular rotors.