FT-IR spectrometer Nicolet 6700 with several accessories
- gas chromatograph Agilent 6850 interfaced to FTIR for GC-IR measurements (termostated capillary cell with optical path length 200 mm)
- multireflex and single reflex ATR attachment
- diffuse reflectance attachment
- accessory for the measurement of temperature dependences
CD spectrometer Jasco 815 with additional accessories
- Peltier element allowing temperature dependent measurements (5-85 °C)
- stopped flow attachment (Biologic) for kinetics measurements
- permanent magnet (2T) allowing to measure magnetic circular dichroism
Home built classical VCD spectrometer
- allowing to study VCD between 2000-4000 cm-1
Raman and Raman optical activity spectrometer ChiralRaman2
- green diode laser OPUS 532 (excitation at 532 nm) with adjustable power output
- measuring in spectral range 100-2000 cm-1