Institute of Geology AS CR, v. v. i.

Medium-sized research center which main purpose is to gain, interpret and integrate the knowledge of the Earth System.

Laboratoř geologických procesů

Vybrané publikace

[1] Ackerman L., Mahlen N., Jelinek E., Medaris L. G., Ulrych J., Strnad L., Mihaljevic M. (2007): Geochemistry and evolution of Subcontinental Lithospheric mantle in Central Europe: evidence from peridotite xenoliths of the Kozákov volcano, Czech Republic. – J. Petrol. 48,12: 2235-2260.

[2] Breiter K., Muller A. (2009): Evolution of rare-metal granitic magmas documented by quartz chemistry. Eur.J. Mineralogy21:335-346.

[3] Ackerman L., Jelínek E., Medaris Jr. G., Ježek J., Siebel W., Strnad L. (2009): Geochemistry of Fe-rich peridotites and associated pyroxenites from Horní Bory, Bohemian Massif: insights into subduction-related melt-rock reactions. – Chem. Geol. 259: 152-167.

[4] Ackerman L., Walker R. J., Puchtel I. S., Pitcher L., Jelínek E., Strnad L. (2009): Effects of melt percolation on highly siderophile elements and Os isotopes in subcontinental lithospheric mantle: a study of the upper mantle profile beneath Central Europe. – Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta73: 2400-2414.

[5] Ulrych J., Dostal J., Heger E., Balogh K., Ackerman L. (2008): Late Cretaceous to Paleocene melilitic rocks of the Ohre/Eger Rift in northern Bohemia, Czech Republic: Insights into the initial stages of continental rifting. – Lithos101: 141–161.

[6] Cajz V., Rapprich V., Erban V., Pécskay Z., Radon M. (2009): Late Miocene volcanic activity in the Ceské stredohorí Mountains, Ohre (Eger) Graben, northern Bohemia. – Geol. Carpath. 60: 519-533.

[7] Naemura K., Hirajima T., Svojtka M. (2009): The pressure–temperature path and the origin of phlogopite in spinel–garnet peridotites from the Blanský les massif of the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic. – J. Petrol. 50: 1795–1827.

[8] Sláma J., Košler J., Pedersen R. B.: Behaviour of zircon in high-grade metamorphic rocks: evidence from Hf isotopes, trace elements and textural studies. – Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.154: 335-356.

[9] Ulrych J., Adamovic J., Žák K., Frána J., Randa Z., Langrová A., Skála R.,Chvátal M. (2007): Cenozoic "radiobarite" occurrences in the Ohre (Eger) Rift, Bohemian Massif: Mineralogical and geochemical revision. – Chem. Erde Geochemistry67: 301–312.

[10] Zachariáš J., Adamovic J., Langrová A. (2008): Trace element chemistry of low-temperature pyrites – an indicator of past changes in fluid chemistry and fluid migration paths (Eger Graben, Czech Republic). – Geol. Carpath.59: 117-132.

[11] Adamovic J., Mikuláš M., Cílek V. (2006): Sandstone districts of the Bohemian Paradise: Emergence of a romantic landscape. – Geolines, 21: 1-100.

[12] Lisá L., Buriánek D., Uher P. (2009): New approach to garnet redistribution during aeolian transport. – Geol. Quarterly 53: 333-340.

[13] Koptíková L., Bábek O., Hladil J., Slavík L. (in print):Stratigraphic significance and resolution of spectral reflectance logs in Lower Devonian carbonates of the Barrandian area, Czech Republic; a correlation with magnetic susceptibility and gamma-ray logs. – Sed. Geol., available online 1 February 2010.

[14] Hladil J., Geršl M., Strnad L., Frána J., Langrová A., Spišiak J. (2006): Stratigraphic variation of complex impurities in platform limestones and possible significance of atmospheric dust: a study with emphasis on gamma-ray spectrometry and magnetic susceptibility outcrop logging (Eifelian–Frasnian, Moravia, Czech Republic). – Int. J. Earth Sci.95: 703-723.

[15] Hladil J., Strnad L., Šálek M., Jankovská V., Šimandl P., Schwarz J., Smolík J., Lisá L., Koptíková L., Rohovec J., Böhmová V., Langrová A., Kociánová M., Melichar R., Adamovic J. (2008): An anomalous atmospheric dust deposition event over Central Europe, 24 March 2007, and fingerprinting of the SE Ukrainian source. – Bull. Geosci. 83: 175-206.

[16] Hladil J., Koptíková L., Ružicka M., Kulaviak L. (2007): Experimental effects of surfactants on the production of stromatactis-shaped cavities in artificial carbonate sediments. – Bull. Geosci.82: 37-50.