Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Pulsed laser deposition

Group of laser depositions is concentrated on the improvement of PLD (pulsed laser deposition) technology, mainly on hybrid PLD systems (combination of PLD with magnetron sputtering, RF discharges and ion beams) and to MAPLE technology (matrix assisted pulsed laser evaporation) for synthesis of organic thin films. The attention is paid to creation of nanocrystalline and nanocomposite films and multilayers, and to superlattices.
Group is studying thermoelectric films YCoSb, biocompatible SiC layer, active waveguiding Er: YAG (YAP) layers, antibacterial Ag- hydroxyapatite layers and relations between DLC properties and biocompatibility. Group is involved into 7FR SAFECATETHER – development of new type of urethral catheter based on TiO2 layers.

Workers : Miroslav Jelinek, Tomas Kocourek, Jan Remsa, Jan Miksovsky, Marketa Zezulova

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