For Experts



The Institute disposes of a broad scale of analytical techniques essential for characterization of solids.
Electron microscopy
  • SEM (JEOL JSM -6510lv, Philips XLCP40) – SE and BSE imaging, EDS and WDS analysis, determination of film thickness
  • TEM (Philips EM201) – imaging, electron diffraction (SAED)
  • HRTEM (Jeol JEM-3010) – imaging, electron diffraction (SAED), EDS analysis, mapping of crystal orientation
  • sample preparation

X-ray diffraction (Expert PANAnalytical)

  • reflection and transmission geometries
  • microdiffraction
  • high-temperature measurements
Thermal analysis with mass spectrometry
  • Setaram, Netzsch
Infrared spectroscopy
  • Nicolet Avatar
Surface analysis

More detailed information is available in the web of Centre of Instrumental Techniques


of Inorganic
Chemistry AS CR
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