
Analyses and trends of research, technologies and innovations

Refereed journal. Issued by Technology Centre ASCR since 2006. The production of the journal is supported by the project of large RTD infrastructure LM2010010 CZERA. Issued at least twice per annum.

      • Čadil V.: The sector analysis of innovation activities implemented by companies in Prague
      • Hladík P., Valenta O.: FutureFood6: Analysis of key technologies for production of healthy and safe food in the Czech Republic
      • Bízk V.: New trend: Integrated approach to air pollution and climate change mitigation
      • Kučera Z., Pazour M.: The Czech Republic has slightly improved according to the European Innovation Scoreboard 2007
      • Klusáček K., Kučera Z., Pazour M.: A summary of the results of the analysis from the Green Paper on Research, Development and Innovation in the Czech Republic
      • Pazour M.: Sectoral analysis of innovation in the service sector
      • Kučera Z., Čadil V.: Large private enterprises' investments in research and development - the LocoMotive Project
      • Čadil V.: Location of international investors' corporate technology centres in the Czech Republic
      • Pokorný O.: Analysis of the innovation potential of regions of the Czech Republic: Project introduction
      • Albrecht V.: A statistical analysis of the participation of Czech industry in FP6 and EURATOM programmes
      • Hebáková L.: Involvment of the Czech Republic in the ERAWATCH Baseload Inventory project
      • Klusáček K., Váchová D.: Regional innovation strategy for Prag and the evaluation of the first phase of its implementation
      • Kostić M.: The RIP-VATCH project: regional case study of the Czech Jihozápad region
      • Kučera Z., Čadil V.: Private sector research and development in new EU member states
      • Vaněček J.: Analysis of science publications by Czech authors between 1994 and 2005
      • Čadil V.: Regional differences in innovation potential of the EU
      • Kadlečíková K., Kučera Z.: Assessment of the position of the Czech Republic according to the European TrendChart on Innovation and European Innovation Scoreboard
      • Vaněček J.: Regional analysis of science and research results - publications and patents
      • Klusáček K.: Barriers to the utilisation of knowledge for the growth of the Czech Republic's competitiveness 
      • Váchová D.: Analysis of innovation environment in Prague 
      • Kadlečíková K.: Technology Foresight for Practitioners 2006 - A Specialized Course on Scenarios Building

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