On October 26th 2010 a conference Eighth Czech Days for European Research took place in Prague under the theme Further perspectives of European Research (and Innovation) Area.
The conference programme was divided into three blocks:
- direction of European R&D&I
- FP7 midterm evaluation
- strategies for the preparation of the future programming period
Conference programme is available here.
Presentations can be downloaded here:
Innovation Union (McCutcheon), JRC (Bensted-Smith), Midterm evaluation (Reeve), CR FP7 participation (Vavrikova), ES IA study (Castrillo), DE FP participation (Grimm), FP8 - CZ (Marek, Witzanyova), FP8 - AT (Huber), FP8 - DE (Grimm), FP8 - PL (Pytko), FP8 - SE (Harviden), FP8 - SK (Tomkova).