
SSR platform


Scheme of the experimental design:


Plant DNA Cytometry Standards

The laboratory provides seeds of reference DNA standards suitable for plant genome size estimation. Please, send your requests to: dolezelatueb [dot] cas [dot] cz


Our laboratory is equipped with the Applied Biosystems 3730xl 96-capillary Genetic Analyser dedicated to DNA sequencing. We offer DNA sequencing service with a turnaround results within 10 working days at maximum. All our work is performed according to standard operating procedures and to exacting quality control levels.

Please, check the detailed instructions on sending your samples for sequencing and pricing information below.

Musa genotyping centre


We provide SSR genotyping service to the international Musa community under the auspices of the Bioversity International (Monpellier, FR).


We use standardized platform for molecular characterization of Musa

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