
Dear Colleagues,
The Institute of Contemporary History, Prague, together with the National Museum, Prague, and the Czechoslovak Documentation Centre, Prague, requests the pleasure of your company at the international conference, ‘THE PAST IS THE BATTLEGROUND OF OUR CONTEMPORARIES’ organized to mark the eightieth birthday of the founder and first director of the Institute of Contemporary History, Vilém Prečan. The conference will take place at Czernin Palace, Prague, on 24 and 25 January 2013.
For details see here: Invitation, Preliminary programme
Conference participants are kindly asked to register using the simple system at the Conference website.
2. 1. 2013
ÚSD na svých webových stránkách zpřístupnil jako volnou elektronickou publikaci kolektivní monografii Rozděleni minulostí: Vytváření politických identit v České republice po roce 1989 autorů Adéla Gjuričová, Michal Kopeček, Petr Roubal, Jiří Suk a Tomáš Zahradníček. Jedná se o druhé, nezměněné vydání.
19. 12. 2012

18. 12. 2012
Vážení badatelé, oznamujeme vám změnu otevírací doby studovny.
pondělí |
9.00–16.30 |
úterý |
9.00–16.30 |
středa |
čtvrtek |
9.00–16.30 |
pátek |
27. 4. 2012
Books in our e-shop is possible now to pay by credit cards.
5. 3. 2011
To mark the twentieth anniversary of November 17, 1989, a new website was opened at Through the title, (1989 Democratic Revolution), we hoped to articulate the idea of the last weeks of 1989 as viewed by major collective perceptions, values, and expressions. This website intends to provide both professional and amateur researchers with basic information, images, and interpretations, offering easier access to material previously edited and published, to the archives of the Institute for Contemporary history, and last but not least, to material the use of which was permitted by other institutions and individuals. We intend to supply more documents and images dating from January 1987 to June 1990.
13. 1. 2010