
Ing. Gabriela Salejová, PhD

» National Information Centre for European Research

Gabriela Salejova is the Czech Republic NMP NCP and Consultant for EU FP7 Research & Innovation- Industrial technologies (NMP-RFCS). She is responsible for providing information and advisory services on Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and New Production Technologies Programme. Apart from managing two european projects: ObservatoryNANO and NMP TeAm, she supervises several active projects simultaneously by providing individual assistance in business plan development, costing, time management, tasks planning, technological and scientific value, implementation and impact etc. She is an expert of NMP Programme Committee responsible for providing resources for European Commission’s research and technology development plan. She is an expert member of the European Food Safety Authority Scientific Network for Risk Assessment of Nanotechnologies in Food and Feed.

Gabriela was previously ICT Prague’s Visiting Research Associate at Group of Polymer Reaction Engineering, where she completed another peer-reviewed journal publication. Prior to joining Technology Centre AS CR, she worked as a Research Associate in the Polymers and Composites Engineering Group at the Department of Chemical Engineering and Chemical Technology at Imperial College London, where she has been a member of the Platform Grant Team of highly skilled postdoctoral researchers with broad understanding of the entire area and highly reputable investigators. Within the Platform Grant Team of the project funded by EPSRC, she has been developing nanostructured materials as membranes for Organic Solvent Nanofiltration with a broad range of industrial applications (e.g. chemical and biopharmaceutical synthesis). Before that, Dr Salejova was a Business Development Manager Trainee involved in purchasing and contracts with SYNTHOS Kralupy a.s. She holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering with the major focus on effective transport properties of reconstructed porous structures from the Institute of Chemical Technology Prague and a MSc in Chemical Engineering with focus on thermodynamics and kinetics of sorption and desorption in polyolefins from the same Institute.




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