Analyses and trends of research, technologies and innovations
Refereed journal. Issued by Technology Centre ASCR since 2006. The production of the journal is supported by the project of large RTD infrastructure LM2010010 CZERA. Issued at least twice per annum.
- Publications: 16
Published: 12/19/2012
- Suchý V., Škarka M., Vavříková L., Hladík P., Lorenz J.: What is the impact of the participation of Czech SMEs in the Framework Programmes of the EC for research, technological development and demonstration activities?
- Daniel O.: Barriers for incoming of international researchers in the Czech Republic
- Čadil V.: Smart specialisation as a new concept of the EU regional innovation policy
Published: 9/27/2012
- Čadil V.: General evaluation framework for research, development and innovation programmes and its possible utilization in the Czech Republic
- Frank D.: Evaluation of participation of Czech regions in FP7 projects during the period 2007 - 2011
- Frank D., Škarka M.: Evaluation of Czech SME participation in the FP7in the period October 2007 - October 2011
- Kučera Z., Vondrák T., Frank D.: R&D collaboration of the EU countries with partners beyond the EU group
Published: 1/1/2012
- Žížalová P.: Science excellence and its transfer to the application sphere
- Marek D., Žížalová P.: R&D infrastructures supported by the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation - regional structure and beneficiaries
- Potůček M.: Towards the methodology of social forecasting
Published: 12/1/2011
- Marek D., Žížalová P., Valenta O.: R&D infrastructures supported by the Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation – human resources sustainability
- Potůček M.: Value anchorage of social forecasting
- Havlíčková L., Vavříková L.: Development of international coordination of research activities in the EU through ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus: general trends and situation in the Czech Republic
Published: 6/1/2011
- Žížalová P.: New resources of innovation – challenges to the Czech Republic and its positioning in global economy
- Vanžur J.: Innovation policy at regional level
- Škarka M.: Analysis of Czech Organizations Participation in FP7 Surface Transport Projects and Transport Horizontal Activities in Years 2007 – 2009
- Procházka L.: Analysis of Czech organizations participation in the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme
Published: 12/1/2010
- Koníčková N., Vavříková L., Valenta O.: Do we exploit potential of the Czech Republic in cooperative international research on agriculture, food and biotechnology?
- Škarka M.: Czech organizations in Research for SMEs FP7 projects in years 2007-2009: their roles, research topics and performance as reflected by statistical data
- Vavříková L.: Measurement of international mobility of researchers: case study based on the data from EU Framework Programmes
Published: 6/1/2010
- Čadil V., Pechlát J.: The relevance of R&D&I projects supported by Structural Funds on development of the Prague's innovation potential
- Demeterová A., Matoušková L., Bízek V.: Trend analysis of pollutant emissions in the Czech Republic: Application of the GAINS model
- Kinkorová J.: The focus of research in FP7 Heatlh priority - outlook for years 2011-2013
Published: 11/1/2009
- Kučera Z., Pazour M.: Sectoral structure of the manufacturing industry and innovation support
- Pazour M., Mráček K., Kučera Z.: Business R&D in economic recession - trends and expectations
- Čadil V., Pacvoň M.: Analysis of the R&D cooperation of the Czech Republic with selected "third" countries
- Kučera Z., Pazour M.: The role of technological agencies in the national innovation system
Published: 6/1/2009
- Pazour M: Methodology revision of the EIS international innovation performance comparison
- Pazour M: Innovation performance of the Czech Republic in the EIS 2008 international comparison
- Pokorný O.: Analysis of the innovation potential of regions of the Czech Republic: project results
Published: 5/1/2009
- Kučera Z., Pazour M.: Comparison of national innovation systems of selected European countries
- Pazour M., Kučera Z.: Trends in formulation of innovation policy in selected European countries
- Kučera Z., Pazour M.: Comparative analysis of R&D&I supporting tools in selected European countries
- Vaněček J., Faťun M.: Comparison of selected methods of R&D evaluation in developed countries