PhDr. Dana Hamplová, Ph.D.

Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
+420 210 310 238
Highest completed education

Ph.D. in Sociology, Charles University, Prague (2004)

M.A. in Sociology, Charles University, Prague (1998)

M.A. in Czech linguistics & literature , Charles University, Prague (1998)

Field of specialisation
Focus on advanced quantitative methods and longitudinal data analyses Life-course research with special emphasis on the intersection between marital and fertility behavior and labor market institutions, changing family values and dynamics, partnership formation and dissolution, social policy. Sociology of Religion
Teaching activities

2001 – 2006 Lecturer, Charles University, (Prague, CZ)

2002 – 2003 Lecturer, University of Bamberg (Bamberg, Germany)

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad

Globalife project, University of Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany (2002-2004)

Membership or position in academic committees, boards, and institutions
Editorial Board of the Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review (2006-)
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