RNDr. Pavol Mikula, DrSc.
Born in 1947, Topoľčany, Slovak Republic.
Professional carrier data:
1964-1969: The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague.
1969-1974: Postgraduate study (CSc. degree, equivalent to PhD) in the Nuclear Physics Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The title of the thesis: "Extinction effects in neutron diffraction by ultrasonically vibrating single crystals".
1971: RNDr. degree - Charles University in Prague.
1991: Leading research scientist.
1998: DrSc. degree - Charles University in Prague.
Since 1974 - permanent position in the Nuclear Physics Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (at present, Nuclear Physics Institute v .v .i., Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Řež near Prague.
Publication activity:
About 30 papers in international journals have been published (as first author and with co-authors) and presented about 35 ontributions at the conferences in the last 5 years. Total numer of publications – more than 250. Part of the experimental work has been made in abroad during short stays in JINR Dubna, ZfK Rossendorf, PTB Braunschweig, GKSS Geeshacht, ILL Grenoble, JAERI Tokai, KEK Tsukuba, KAERI Daejon and KURRI Kumatori. See the full publication list.
The main fields of the activities:
1969-1978: The studies of the neutron beam modulation and reflectivity properties in neutron diffraction by ultrasonically vibratig single crystals.
1978-1982: Multiple diffraction effects at the diffraction by elastically deformed perfect single crystals.
1983-1990: Neutron Bragg diffraction optics with elastically bent perfect crystals, medium resolution small angle neutron scattering and neutron interferometry.
1990-1993: Application of neutron Bragg diffraction optics for small-angle neutron scattering and residual strain measurements.
At present: Application of neutron Bragg diffraction optics in neutron diffraction instrumentation, horizontally and vertically focusing monochromators/analyzers, residual strain measurements and small-angle neutron scattering.
IAEA expert missions: 1985 – BARC Bombai, 1996 - PINSTECH Pakistan
Recent and present positions:
1991-May 2012 Head of the Neutron Physics Department in the Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR.
1990-1996 A member of the Research Council of the Nuclear Physics Institute, AS CR.
1993 - A member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of Budapest Reactor Centre.
1993 - A member of the Neutron Scattering Society of America
1994 - A representative of Czech Republic in European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA).
1999 - A representative of Czech Republic in Steering Committee for ILL Grenoble.
2004-2009 A representative of Czech Republic in Programme Advisory Committee for LNF JINR Dubna
2007-2011 A member of the Board of the Nuclear Physics Institute v. v. i., AS CR.
2007- A member of the evaluation panel „Physics of Condensed Matter“ of the Grant Agency of Czech Republic.
2009-2010 A member of the Academy Assembly
2009- A member of Coordination Committee for Ranking Employees of the ASCR Institutes into the Highest Qualification Grade
List of selected projects
GA AV A14816: Structure studies of properties and inhomogeneities in condensed matter by the methods of small angle neutron scattering and neutron interferometty (1991-1993).
GA ČR 202/93/0361:Research centre using thermal neutrons (1993-1995)
GAAV A148404: Small angle neutron scattering and neutron interferomenty for structure and fundamentals studies of condensed matter (1994-1996).
GA ČR 202/95/0216: Member of the research team of the project Use of the methods of neutron small angle scattering for the studie sof porosity of plasma sprayed materials (1995-1997)
GA ČR 202/96/0551:Research centre with thermal neutrons, 1996. Project was finished after one year due to the receiving of the Complex project.
GA ČR 202/97/K038: Complex project - Centre for Fundamentals and aplied research with thermal neutrons (1997-2002)
GA ČR 202/03/0981 Research centre with termal neutrons (2003-2005)
GA AV A1048003: Bragg diffraction optics with cylindrically bent crystals and its use in neutron diffractometry and spectrometry (2000-2004).
GAČR 202/06/0601: Focusing monochromators and analyzers for thermal neutron diffractometry and spektrometry (2006-2008)
TMR-Network „Perfect Crystal Neutron Optics“ ERB FMR XCT 96-0057, coordinator prof. H. Rauch, Atominstitut Vienna
Member of the research team of the international project BIOGRAD (Increasing the Performance of Total Hip Replacement Prostheses through Functionally Graded Material Innovation and Design. Residual stress assessment BIOGRAD-STRESS, 2002-2004, Coordinator Prof. Van der Biest, Belgie, in the Czech Republic dr. P. Lukáš.
Network P7 – COST X-ray and Neutron Optics, MŠMT, OC P7.003: High resolution neutron monochromators and analyzators on the basis of Bragg diffraction optics with cylindrically bent perfekt crystals (2002-2006), Coordinator - dr. Mourad Idir, Orsay.
FP6-NMI3 EU: Transnational Access to Large Facilities, Neutron Physics Laboratory, koordinátor prof. R. McGreevy, ISIS RAL, England, 2005-2008.
FP7-NMI3 EU: Transnational Access to Large Facilities, Neutron Physics Laboratory, (2009-2013). Coordinator – dr. H. Schöber, ILL Grenoble.
IAEA CRP project - F1-RC-1023.1 Development and applications of the technique of residual stress measurements in materials (2006-2008).
IAEA CRP project F1-RC-1056.1 (F1.20.21) Improved production and utilization of short pulsed, cold neutrons at low-medium energy spallation neutron sources (2008-2010).
Member of the research team of the CRP, ID-1648: Development, Characterization and Testing of Materials of Relevance to Nuclear Energy Sector Using Neutron Beams (2010-2012).
Project - Programme of the internal support of international collaboration of ASCR, Bragg diffraction optics for thermal neutron diffractometry with high and ultrahigh resolution, project N. - M 10048090.
Member of the project team of GAČR P204/10/0654: Monte Carlo simulations of complex neutron optics systems (2010-2012)
Participation on the project of Ministry of Industry and Trade: project MPO FR-TI1/378 - Use of neutron scattering in industry (209-2012), coordinator Nuclear Research Institute, plc., Řež
Participation on the project of Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - Základní a cílený výzkum v průmyslu a zdravotnictví na zdrojích neutronů MSM2672244501 (2004-2010), coordinator Research Centre Ltd.
FP7-NMI3-2 EU: JRA17 - Neutron Imaging, Neutron Physics Laboratory, (2012-2015). Coordinator – dr. H. Schöber, ILL Grenoble.