
Celý intranet Aktuální oblast

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Akademický bulletin


Videa ze světa vědy


projekt BIOCEV


Více o projektu


projekt ALISI


Invitation and Call for Abstracts (Posters)

27.2.2013 - 1.3.2013

for the QNano conference 2013
27. February to 1. March 2013 - Prague, IMG AS CR, Czech Republic

Dear Colleagues,
I cordially invite you to participate on the conference and share with us your recent research results on nanosafety assessment

Please find more information and send your abstracts using on line submission system on http://www.qnano-ri.eu/conference/welcome.html

not later than 31. January 2013 do not forget to register online on https://www.czech-in.org/qnano/registration.aspx

For more information do not hesitate to contact me directly in case of additional burning questions.

Jan Topinka
Institute of Experimental Medicine AS CR
Videnska 1083
142 20 Prague 4
Czech Republic
tel. +420 241062675, +420 724851733
fax +420 241062785
