Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 4/2010


Jiří Nekvapil:
Introduction to the Thematic Issue on Ethnomethodological Inspirations [497]


Jana Lindbloom:
Presentation Strategies of Majority and Minority Opinions in Online Discussions on Agricultural Subsidies [505]

Sociological Research

Petr Kaderka, Martin Havlík:
Making Television News: Work Practices in the System of Genre Norms [537]

Ivana Hejhalová:
Guide Dog Training in an Organisation [569]


Jiří Kabele:
A Heuristic Strategy for the Study of Human Affairs [593]

Jiří Nekvapil, Ivan Leudar:
9/11 Revisited: ‘Doing history’ in political discourse [619]


Jiří Nekvapil:
Stephen Hester, David Francis (eds.): Orders of Ordinary Action: Respecifying Sociological Knowledge [643]

Iva Měrková Pecáková:
Rod Watson: Analysing Practical and Professional Texts. A Naturalistic Approach [645]

Petr Kaderka:
Eric Livingston: Ethnographies of Reason [649]

Jaroslav Peregrin:
Ivan Leudar, Alan Costall (eds.): Against Theory of Mind [652]

Martin Hájek:
Michael Lynch, Simon A. Cole, Ruth McNally, Kathleen Jordan: Truth Machine. The Contentious History of DNA Fingerprinting [656]

Martin Paleček:
Phil Hutchinson, Rupert Read, Wes Sharrock: There is No Such Thing as a Social Science: In Defence of Peter Winch [659]

Martin Havlík:
Emanuel A. Schegloff: Sequence Organization in Interaction. Volume 1. A Primer in Conversation Analysis [662]

Lydie Fialová:
Anssi Peräkylä, Charles Antaki, Sanna Vehviläinen, Ivan Leudar (eds.): Conversation Analysis and Psychotherapy [666]

Martin Havlík:
Cecilia E. Ford: Women Speaking Up. Getting and Using Turns in Workplace Meetings [670]

Jan Křeček:
Richard Fitzgerald, William Housley (eds.): Media, Policy and Interaction [674]

Klára Vomastková:
Jadwiga Šanderová, Olga Šmídová et al.: Sociální konstrukce nerovností pod kvalitativní lupou [677]

Kontakt: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1, e-mail: