Professor Johan Goudsblom

Professor Johan Goudsblom accepted invitation of the Institute of Sociology and  the Masaryk’s Czech Sociological Society in the December 1-5, 2004. He delivered a lecture on his book Fire and Civilization.

Johan Goudsblom (1932 Bergen) Professor of Sociology at the University of Amsterdam 1968-1997, Emeritus Professor at the same University since than. Figurational Sociology and Process Sociology of Norbert Elias is a domain of his thinkink, he is author of many books in the domain. He was influential in promoting Elias's work while it was still almost unknown in the Netherlands and abroad. He is a member of the Board of Trustees of Norbert Elias‘ Foundation, that donated to the library of the Institute of Sociology a collection of books after the fload in 2002.

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